Purchases - Close a Purchase Return
INTRODUCTION In Agility it is possible to close a Purchase Return after it has been despatched. CLOSE Button In the browse orders screen select Returns(only) the user will be asked to confirm this. The screen will now only show purchase returns ...
How to Correct/Adjust Supplier Balance
What to do if a Payment posted in error to incorrect Supplier Account To post adjustment between 2 Supplier Accounts - e.g. Payment €100 posted to incorrect Account Account 1 Balance -100 Account 2 Balance 100 Nominal Journals Journal Entries Click ...
Purchase Orders - Notes
Agility Pro has the option to add notes to Purchase Orders. There are multiple types of notes that can be added to a Purchase Order. To add a note, when in the PO screen, click on the Notes button To add a note that will show on the PO, click in the ...
Purchases - Remittance Advice Slip
INTRODUCTION When paying suppliers a remittance advice slip is printed or emailed at the time of payment so the suplier knows which invoices and credits have been processed. REMITTANCE ADVICE This normally is printed or emailed at the time but this ...
Purchases - Browse Suppliers
INTRODUCTION Browse supplier screen and all the functionality associated with the screen. The visibility of some of this functionality depends on security permissions for the user. BROWSE ORDERS In a similar way to Browse Orders this screen consists ...
Purchases - Browse Orders
INTRODUCTION After creating Purchase Orders the enquiry screen allows the user to browse these. From this screen it is possible to drill down more information and also according to user permissions to carry out certain actions. BROWSE ORDER The ...
Purchases - Pay Suppliers
INTRODUCTION After raising PO's, receiving goods into stock, adding invoices and credits there comes the time when these suppliers want payment for the goods and this is the process in Agility Professional. You can do this manually through Step ...
Purchases - Authorise Invoices
INTRODUCTION After adding invoices and credits either connected to a Purchase Order or Direct another step is the process to authorise invoices for payment when they have been put under query. Both invoices from purchase orders and direct invoices ...
Purchases - Credit Notes Direct
INTRODUCTION Just as you may get an invoice that does not relate to a Purchase Order so you may also get a Credit Note that does not relate to a Purchase Return. However many direct credit notes may relate to a Debit Note raised as a result of a ...
Purchases - Invoices Direct
INTRODUCTION Invoices are of course also received from suppliers that are not because of a purchase order. For example – utility bills, rent, ad-hoc expenses etc. The invoices direct screen is used to enter this type of invoice. CREATING an INVOICE ...
Purchases - Credit Notes For Returns
INTRODUCTION Now the supplier has collected the goods and now sent a Credit note which now needs to be recorded in Agility Professional. CREDIT NOTES This screen processes the return linking it to the original Purchase Return. For our example we will ...
Purchases - Invoices and Buying Groups
INTRODUCTION When you buy from a supplier through a buying group although the Purchase Order is sent directly to the supplier the invoice is paid by the buying group on your behalf. The Buying Group then raise an invoice to yourselves. When you ...
Purchases - Invoices and Credit Notes
INTRODUCTION This chapter describes how to enter invoices and credit notes for a supplier. We will first look at invoices for the purchase order we created above and then a credit note for the purchase return. However not all invoices and credit ...
Purchase - Despatch Purchase Return
INTRODUCTION After creating a purchase return when the supplier collects these good they need to despatched so that the credit note can be matched against the return and that the stock is reduced in stock type R DESPATCH A RETURN Go to Purchases - ...
Purchases - Purchase Returns
INTRODUCTION When doing purchases there are many times that a company needs to return goods and in Agility Professional this can be done. Agility works on different stock types: R = Purchase Returns - When goods are being returned S = Standard Stock ...
Purchases - Goods In
INTRODUCTION After a Draft PO has been verified by the supplier and then finalised the next stage is for the supplier to despatch the goods and to be booked into the company adding stock levels for the goods. SECURITY Additional System Parameters – ...
Purchases - Supplier Collection Number
INTRODUCTION When processing a sale through EPOS it is possible to create a sale whereby the customer will collect the goods directly from the supplier. GENERATE NUMBER This is what is required to do this but the actual creation is done by selling ...
Purchases - Editing a Purchase Order
INTRODUCTION When creating a Purchase Order there are two options based on security: 1. Save as Draft or 2. Finalise the Purchase Order SAVE as DRAFT When saving a PO as draft this allows another user to finalise the PO this could be due to the ...
Purchases - Purchase Orders - Supplier List
INTRODUCTION Agility Professional allows users to raise Purchase Orders through a supplier list. This is a list of all products for a specific supplier. SUPPLIER LIST An alternative to using the Add Item button from the main purchase order screen is ...
Create Stock Codes
INTRODUCTION In Agility Professional there are a few ways in which a user can create stock codes: When creating a purchase order When in the EPOS screen When browsing a supplier The above are driven by security SECURITY In Tools/Tools ...
Purchases - Purchase Orders
INTRODUCTION Agility Professional allows users to raise and edit Purchase Orders (PO’s)to suppliers. This is restricted to Purchase Orders raised through the main Purchase Order screen at Purchases/Orders/Purchase Orders. It is possible to raise a PO ...
Purchases - Cash Matching
INTRODUCTION Cash Matching is the allocation of payments you make to suppliers to invoices from suppliers. If you make payments through the ‘Pay To Suppliers’ screen the payment is automatically matched. However, it is possible to make a payment to a ...
Purchases - Invoice Query Reasons
INTRODUCTION When an invoice from a supplier is entered it is possible to flag it for authorisation by setting a query flag. This could be the case for example if prices were different to those on the Purchase Order or different items supplied. QUERY ...
Purchases - Supplier Details - Change Supplier Code
INTRODUCTION When setting up a supplier and the account number is wrong then this can be changed by selecting the options button on the supplier account. CHANGE ACCOUNT NO. Go to Supplier Details and select the account that has the wrong number. Then ...
Purchases - Supplier Details
INTRODUCTION Agility Professional includes a purchase ledger enabling the company to set up their suppliers. These suppliers can be linked to buying groups and if BACS/SEPA is required these details can also be recorded SECURITY There is various ...
Purchases - Debit Notes
INTRODUCTION Agility has the function of raising Debit Notes based on price increase and quantity increase with an added function of an Adhoc Debit Note that does not match the previous criteria. SECURITY Tools\Tools Menu\Companies\System ...
Customs Duty/ Freight Costs via Goods In
Agility can spread the import and freight costs at goods in stage. To do this you must have default nominal ledger codes set up for Freight and Duty. Once created in the chart of accounts go to Tools/Tools Menu/Companies/System Parameters In Default ...
Purchases - Standard Charges
INTRODUCTION Standard charges for Purchases can be used when creating a PO or posting an invoice. Standard charges can be added in agility on both purchases and sales. ADDING STANDARD CHARGES Purchases To access this go to Purchases>Ledger ...
Purchases - BACS-SEPA in Agility
BACS/SEPA in Agility – Payment By Batch Version 2021 has a number of enhancements in Agility to add more functionality to the process to make payment by BACS/SEPA through payment by batch. Note however that payment by cheque is no longer supported. ...
Supplier Credit different Currency
When recording a credit from a supplier that has a different currency go to: Nominal\Cash Book\Cheque Payments\Payments Select Purchases from Ledger Enter the supplier Account In the amount field record the value that is in the bank with a negative ...
Purchases - Importing A Purchase Order
INTRODUCTION Some suppliers may send a csv file so that the user can import a Purchase Order. This has to be a new PO EXPORT A PO It is possible to import a purchase order from a csv file. This process almost always follows the export of the PO ...
Purchases - Buying Group
INTRODUCTION Buying groups in Agility provide the facility to order from the supplier direct but the group invoices for the goods provided. Create a Buying Group Before creating the Buying Group: The supplier has to be created and make sure Supplier ...
Unmatched Transactions
Agility checks that matched transactions do = 0 and from time to time you can get the message UNMATCHED TRANSACTIONS appearing when you log in. Follow these steps to rectify: This is telling you that there are transactions which did not = 0 and ...
Purchases - Purchase Order Notes
INTRODUCTION Agility Professional allows users to add notes to PO's ADDING a NOTE It is possible to add a note to a PO by clicking the Notes button to display The top of the screen shows all existing notes for the PO. To add a new note click on the ...