Sales - Customer Records - Options
INTRODUCTION One of the features of the customer record - Options is that you can crate in advance sites for your customer. This is where your custoemr know that they are going to be working in various locations over a period of time and can give you ...
Quotes - Notes on Quotes
Notes can be added to a Quote in Agility Pro. The notes can be set to either show on a quote for all to see, or just be a note linked to the quote for internal use. To add a note to a quote, when creating a quote - click on the Note button : Then ...
Sales - Margin Calendar
INTRODUCTION Agility records all sales for a company and this can be viewed through various reports through Agility Insight and also by the Margin Calendar. The user can view the data in different ways based on the search criteria e.g. Customers, ...
Sales - Recurring Invoices
INTRODUCTION There are times when an invoice may need to produced every month for a customer that may use services from the business e.g. they rent something from you. This can be set up in Agility. Creating a Standard Invoice In order to create a ...
2023 Direct Debit Requirements
After being upgraded to Agility Pro 2023, if you use the Direct Debit functionality in Agility Pro, then the following step must be completed to avoid any issues: For each customer that is set up as a Direct Debit Customer, go to Sales-Ledger ...
Sales - Sales Analysis Codes
INTRODUCTION Sales Analysis Codes lets the user create codes for further analysis. Create a Sales Analysis Codes To access this feature go to Sales - Ledger Maintenance - Sales Analysis Codes Fields Name: Enter the name of the Analysis Code Type: ...
Sales - Browse Orders
INTRODUCTION When using sales orders these can be viewed through the Browse Orders Screen. The screen is very similar to other browse screens in Agility. User can search by stock codes, description, account and more. Browse Orders To access this ...
Sales - Issue Credit Note
INTRODUCTION When doing Sales Orders or Invoices Direct to do a credit the user needs to go to Sales - Issue Credit Note From here the look and feel is the same as the other screens like Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Direct Invoices etc. Issue ...
Sales - Browse Customers
INTRODUCTION Agility has the ability to browse customers and from this screen there are lots of functionality, We will continue to modify this with information until all functionality has been explained. The form is in three sections: 1. Customer ...
Sales - Edit Payment Type
Introduction When using non-integrated card payments, if a customer receipt is taken and accidentally put through as Cash instead of Card, there is a way to alter this. Security To enable this feature, go to Tools-Tools Menu-Security-Group Access ...
Amending an Incorrect Margin in the Margin Calendar
If you have an incorrect margin or cost showing in the margin calendar, for example if an item was sold by the incorrect case or price, the cost can be amended which will then correct the price. To do this, go to Sales-Sales Queries-Margin ...
Sales - Bad Debt
INTRODUCTION There may be times when a customer is unable to pay their account and it becomes a bad debt that you want to claim the VAT back. CREATE A STOCK CODE The first thing to do is to create a stock called BADDEBT set the stock code as a ...
Sales - Messages
Introduction Agility Pro has the option to add or link messages to customer accounts, products, etc. This document is a work in progress, and will be updated with more information To access this screen, click on the small Envelope on the menu bar of ...
Sales - Credit Rules
INTRODUCTION Credit Rules work in conjunction with the credit terms and days assigned to the debtors\customers accounts. First thing that needs to be done is assign the terms and days then when sales are done the days are recorded against each ...
Sales - Restricting External Vouchers
Epos Parameters It is now possible to restrict vouchers to external vouchers only. Voucher Set Up Nominals/Ledger Maintenance/Countries and Currencies/Set Up Vouchers for sale. External Vouchers must be allocated to a promotion. These can be set up ...
Sales - Credit Letters
INTRODUCTION Managing customers accounts and their payments can be done through Agility Professional. For this to work then setting customer credit limit and terms MUST be done. This then begins to calculate aged debts and controls sales when ...
Sales - Customer Profiles
INTRODUCTION Customer Profiles provides the function of customers being grouped together to get discounts for products. An example of these profiles could be Builders, Plumbers, Electricians etc. The above examples provide the ability to provide ...
Sales - Running Statements in Agility Pro
INTRODUCTION At the end of the month a company will want to email or print the customers statements and this is how it is done in Agility. RUNNING STATEMENTS Navigate to Sales - Statements In Agility Pro click Sales>Statements When the Statements ...
WARRANTY IN AGILITY Agility gives the option on stock codes to be assigned as a warranty item. If this is used then when this item is sold certain information needs to be gathered to enable the searching for the warranty item if returned. SET CODE AS ...
SALES - Creating and Editing Customer Records
INTRODUCTION Depending on the business type there may be a requirement to create a debtors account. There are multiple tabs each having different features to help manage the debtors listing involving credit rules, discounts and how statements are ...
INTRODUCTION Agility Pro uses SEPA in two ways: Direct Debits for customers and BACS for paying suppliers. When a customer is set up as a Direct Debit Customer there is no need for the company to match payments against transactions this will be done ...
Sales - Exception Pricing Card
INTRODUCTION There could be times where a specific customer gets a unique price to them tht is outside of the Profile price they have been assigned. To do this use Customer Exception Pricing. Exception Pricing Card In agility there is a function that ...
Email Address is not carrying a valid ending
In the error message where it is showing a colon on the line after the email, it means when the customers details were originally imported into the system there was an Enter/Return at the end of the email address so it has added an extra line and ...
Sales - Cash Trade Accounts
TRADE ACCOUNTS – CASH There is also an option to take CASH for trade account and the following needs to be done: Go to Tools\Tools Menu\Companies\System Parameters\EPOS System Parameters\ Tick this parameter Select No Cash at Trade Till On the ...
Sales - Standard Charges
INTRODUCTION Adding charges to sales orders is the same as adding to a purchases Creating a Charge To access this go to Sales>Ledger Maintenance>Standard Charges Values Enter a description: e.g Delivery Select a nominal account: e.g. P75300(Freight ...
Cashup Write-off Permissions
question Why does the system not allow write-off values when cashing up? answer Group Cashup Permissions Need to assign how much a group can write off or allow them to write off all Go to Tools>Tools Menu>Security>Create Group From Edit Group select ...