Using The Till
Touch - Cash Up
INTRODUCTION At the end of the day the till will need to be cashed up. The software will compare what has been processed through Touch and what the user has counted and this will produce a poistive or negative write off or everything matched. X ...
Touch - Discounts
To apply a discount, scan the item(s) you are selling and then click Pay: Then click on Discount: There are two ways to apply the discount, by a Percentage or by an Amount: Click the one you want and then input the percent/amount you are discounting ...
Touch - Account Sales
To sell to an Account, scan the item you are selling or enter the barcode: Then click on the CASH - Cash Account at the top of the screen: And then search for the customer account: Click Pay, and then click Account: The amount To Pay will ...
Touch - Refunds
To refund an item, click the Refund button before starting a sale: Then choose the reason for the refund: Now enter the sale number found on the receipt: Choose the item and select the quantity that is being refunded: Then click Pay and finalise the ...
Touch - Gift Cards
Click the Gift Card button to sell a gift card to a customer: Enter or scan the gift card number into the box and then input an amount to credit to the card. Press Enter to add the card to the sale: Then click Pay to take payment for the Gift Card
Touch - Save & Restore Sales
To Save a sale, click the Save button that appears after clicking Pay: To Restore a previously saved sale, click the Restore button: And choose a previously saved sale from the list to continue processing that sale, and then click OK: This will bring ...
Touch - Exchanges
Scan the new item that is going to be given to the customer. Click the Exchange button: Then scan or search for an sale ID for the item you wish to exchange: Use the plus or minus keys to choose how many and which items from the original sale are ...
Touch - Sales
Log in to Agility Touch with your EPOS ID, by clicking the Login button and the typing your EPOS ID in: You can sell an item by scanning its barcode, or typing the barcode number into the box and pressing enter, or by clicking on the item on the ...