Nominals - Creating a Nominal Code

Nominals - Creating a Nominal Code

Agility Professional is an accounting system also and Nominal Account Codes can be created.

Create a Nominal Code
Go to Nominal\Ledger Maintenance\Nominal Ledger Accounts

This screen opens showing the chart of accounts

Select ADD to create a new code and remember to look at the groupings on the right so that management reports groups the codes correctly.

Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss Account needs to be selected
Based on the selection shows different account types

Select correct type
Account Number is prefixed with either B - Balance Sheet or P - Profit and Loss

Financial Statement Grouping DR/CR is B?? or P?? pending on Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss
These would have been recorded prior to adding a new code

Description - Enter a description to reflect the new nominal account
Once finished press ADD
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