AIM - Supplier Invoice Suitability

AIM - Supplier Invoice Suitability


The AIM Software is designed to read supplier invoices. There are several key things that must be met for invoices to be successfully read. This article explains what to look for in a suppliers invoice, to determine if it is suitable. If the supplier invoices are found suitable, it is not 100% guaranteed that all can be read.

The percentage of invoices from a supplier that the software is able to successfully read is called the
Supplier Read Rate (SRR).  The more suitable the invoices, the better SRR we can expect.

The percentage of invoices what can be successfully process is the Supplier Process Rate (SPR). 

Select Supplier Invoices

Select a few supplier invoices. They must be in PDF format. Ideally 3 or 4 invoices, as there may issues which do not show on a single invoice.

Key Points to Check

Purchase order Number

Ensure the Agility purchase order number shows on the invoice. 

Date Format

Ensure the date is in european format ie. DD/MM/YYY. American date formats can be be read incorrectly. 

Invoice Lines

As of December 2024, AIM can now work with what we call "Dynamic Lines". There is 1 very key ingredient that we require to ensure these work, that being the presence of "Line Totals". AIM requires a "Line Total" on every line that is an item.

"Well what is a Dynamic Line?" you may be thinking. A Dynamic Line is a line which can move down, for example, an extended Description. See screenshot below for an example of a Dynamic Line. Dynamic Lines are highlighted in Red

AIM will automatically stretch the bottom of the line down to the next, to ensure it captures as much data as possible

Invoice Totals

Per above, as of December 2024, AIM is now able to handle what we refer to as "Floating Totals". Totals MUST however be on a fixed X axis, meaning they do not move left to right, but we are able to handle them moving up and down.

"Well what is a Floating Total?", a Floating Total is a Total that moves around, basically "Floating" around the page.

AIM will now move the "Total Box" that you draw in the Editor UP until it captures the correct data. This is based off of the "Line Totals in Gross or NET", meaning it will either look for the Gross first, or the NET (This is done to make sure we don't accidentally pick up a Line Total instead of the Invoice Total, we do this by Calculating an estimated Total and looking for that value with a set tolerance)

What's Next?

If the suppliers invoices are suitable, the next step is configuring the supplier with the AIM Editor. 

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