Supplier Global Pricing

Supplier Global Pricing

There are two different ways to change prices in Agility Pro on mass:

1 - Supplier Global Pricing - By Percentage
Allows you to increase or decrease the price by a percentage for all stock assigned to a supplier.
The update can do buy and sale price, but not both at the same time.
This can be filtered by category, group and type which means only the codes in the specific groupings will be updated.

Go to Stock>Ledger Maintenance>Supplier Global Pricing, the below screen will open:

This updates the prices on a percentage basis.
Enter the supplier account number and click the spyglass to search:

Select the supplier by Clicking Select:

If required, select Category, Product Group and Product Type

With the Buy Price radio button selected:

Select the percentage you wish to chnage the price by from the dropdown box:

Select either Increment or Decrement radio button:

Now click the recalculate button:

The updated price will show in the Net column:

If you are happy with the price change, click SAVE
The below message will appear, answer Yes or No, depending on your choice here:

If derived pricing has been enabled, but not setup for this supplier, you may get the below:

Click OK, and then Yes. The form will not clear, but the Buy Prices will have been updated.

To update the Sale Prices:
Select the Sale Price radio button selected:

And then click Recalculate:

Select the percentage you wish to change the price by from the dropdown box:

Select either Increment or Decrement radio button:

Select Net or Gross, depending on which you want to update by:

Now click the recalculate button:

If you are happy with the price change, click SAVE
The below message will appear, answer Yes or No, depending on your choice here:

In order to get the information out of Agility Pro, Supplier Global Pricing can be used to do this.

Go to Stock - Ledger Maintenance - Supplier Global Pricing, and then search for the supplier and select Buy price radio button:

Then click Export, clicking Yes to all of the prompts. Microsoft Excel will open with the exported Buy Price file.

Now select the Sale Price radio button:

And then click the recalculate button:

This refreshes the information and returns the Sale Prices to the grid, now click Export again, clicking Yes to all of the promptsMicrosoft Excel will open with the exported Sale Price file.

Using these exported Excel files, for the buy price edit the New Price column, and in the sale price the Gross or Net can be changed.
After changing the prices, save the file as a CSV (Comma Delimited) (*csv) file:

Then go back to Agility Pro and click the Import button in the Supplier Global Pricing screen, and click Yes to the below:

The click Yes to the below (unless you have removed the column headers from the Excel file):

You can untick any of the rows you do not want to updated:

By default they are all ticked.

If you are happy with the price change, click SAVE
The below message will appear, answer Yes or No, depending on your choice here:

For the Buy Prices, if derived pricing has been enabled, but not setup for this supplier, you may get the below:

Click OK, and then Yes. The form will not clear, but the Buy Prices will have been updated.
The same process applied for Sale Prices.

Although editing directly on the grid is possible, it is not advised, as it does not consistently update prices through Agility Pro

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