Stock -Creating a Type

Stock -Creating a Type


In Agility there is the facility to organise the stock file in Category, Group and Types. This then groups the files by Category which is then linked to a Group and the Group linked to a Type.
Make sure you have created the Categories, Groups and imported them onto agility pro before adding the Types.
If you have not done that yet, select the link 
or put in the search bar  creating a group, then Creating a Group and follow the instructions provided before processed to adding Types.


To add a Type go to:

And the below screen opens:

The Type field can only be 6 characters long and can be alphanumeric - No spaces, for example you might change Popcorn to Pop01
Description can be 50 characters which describes what the group is e.g. 
Create a Type and description and press Add

Then press the Exit button when your finished.

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