Derived Sale Price

Derived Sale Price


This feature automatically creates a new sale price based upon a change on the buy pricepending on set up.  You can discount or increment or decide how much margin you would like to make each stock code.


Go to Stock>Ledger Maintenance>Derived Sale Prices

A screen like this appears:

  1. AddSelect add to create a new derived price

NOTE: Derived Pricing works by; Category (4), Product Group (3), Product Type (2) or an Individual Stock Code (1).  Agility prioritises 1-4

  1. Now select ADD – This screen appears:
  2. Choose how the derived price will be based on
  3. Enter the price difference by % e.g. (10%) (This multiplies the buy price)
  4. Decide if incrementing or discounting or by Margin
  5. Once decided selected SAVE

This screen appears::

  1. The “Buy Price” is 3.87
  2. Current Sale Price is 4.5935
  3. Derived price is going to make it 4.26 – a reduction based on 10%
  4. Apply from CURRENT DATE
  5. Now select Process
  6. Exit will not apply the change

Select Yes the price change has not been applied but the derived price created so based on example this may need to be edited so that the sale price is not reduced

This screen appears:

  1. The new derived price is added to the grid
  2. When you are finished select Exit

  1. EditThis allows you to edit the set up of the derived price
  1. First Select the stock you want to edit
  2. Then Select EDIT

This screen appears:

  1. Remove
  1. Select the stock code you wish to remove
  2. Select Remove
  3. A message box will ask to confirm the removal
  4. If you say NO you are returned to the main screen
  5. If you say YES the stock code is removed

  1. Changing The Buy Price

Go to: Stock>Ledger Maintenance>Stock Item Maintenance>Stock Items

Stock Items Screen opens:

  1. Enter your stock code
  2. Select the Buy Price Tab
  3. Select Add
  1. Select The Supplier
  2. Select The Currency

  2. When you have finished select OK

This screen appears:

  1. This screen shows the changes will be applied on the 02/09/2021
  2. The prices in red indicate (Orig Net & Orig Gross) what your prices are until the Apply Changes From Date
  3. Derived Price shows how much it is going to be from the Apply Changes From Date
  4. When finished Select Save
  5. The Stock screen now shows the two buy prices
  6. The previous Sale price is overwritten instantly with new sale price

If the buy price is changed in a PO this will also fire the derive price change.

When ticked, the Derive All Prices By Same Margin setting, in Tools-Tools Menu-Companies-System Parameters- Additional System Parameters, under the Stock tab - will handle all case types for derived pricing. For example, if you have a s tock code with multiple  case types, having this setting enabled will update the margin on all of them, instead of just the sale case

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