EPOS - CASH UP Z Report Explanation

EPOS - CASH UP Z Report Explanation


This is a brief breakdown and explanation of the information that is printed out when a Z-read has been done.


Title: Till Cash Up
Till Number: Name of the till doing the Cash Up
User: Name of person doing the Cash Up
Address: Self Explanatory
Telephone: Self Explanatory
Fax: Self Explanatory
Note: Address, Phone and Fax will only be visible if entered in Nominal\Ledger Maintenance\Company Details

Z Totals at: Date of the Cash Up


This is the value of the float from the previous cash up 200.30

TOTAL FLOATS: Self Explanatory


In this section is a breakdown of payment types, cash, cheque, credit card etc.

Payment Type      Counted      System
CASH Totals         354.50         353.30 
Breakdown of above totals
- Accounts                                  0
- Sales                                         353.30

NOTE: Here we can see there is more cash in the cash drawer than what Agility thinks, and the difference is 1.20 overstated
Accounts is when a customer has made a payment against their account
Same happens now for Cheques and Credit Cards
Payment Type      Counted      System
CHEQUE Totals   293.22         293.22
Breakdown of above totals
- Accounts                                 293.22
- Sales                                        0

Payment Type      Counted      System
Crd Cards Totals  965.52         965.52 
Breakdown of above totals
- Accounts                                 154.93
- Sales                                         810.59


Amount to Write Off                 -1.20

NOTE: When the cash was counted there was more which was 1.20
The confusing part of this is the word write off especially when the figure is -1.20
This actually means that in the Till Write Off Account a transaction will posted either positive or negative
So, this example the Till Write Off account will be increased by the value and if the value was 1.20 this would be deducted
Kept as Float:                          199.50 - The float is deducted from the total takings
Amount Banked:                  1,413.74 - The amount after the above has been deducted
- This is the total amount inc. under\overstated cash and the deduction of the Kept float
- system total is 1,612.04 + cash counted which here has an extra 1.20 so total = 1,613.24 - Float 199.50 = Amount Banked
- When a cash up has taken place a new session number is created, and the money is moved from the till account to the safe
- When money is lodged a Cash Transfer is done moving money from the safe to the actual bank account
System Total No:                  1,612.04 - This is what Agility has recorded against the session and not the counted Cash
Less Opening Float:                200.30 - This float is cancelled by the float from the previous day
Add Lifts:                                 0           - If money has been taken from the till this would be added to the amount banked 

Total Takings:                        1,413.74 - this is the total of Cash, Credit Card and Cheques


In this section is a breakdown of Cash counted and cash kept for a float.


When cash back is turned on for credit cards for non-integrated the above figures will vary.
If, a customer pays by card for good of 20 and then ask for 10 cash back the card values will be increased by 10 and the cash reduced by 10
There will be no breakdown for this on the cash up.
If, integrated then this there will be a breakdown.


If, customers payments are done at the till these will be reflected in the cash up along the accounts section for each payment type.
These can be seen from the till screen Receipts\Show Receipts 
The form allows the user to search by date, customer account and shows totals of Cash, Cheque and Credit Cards
The user can also see if these have been matched or not.


If, as a company money is taken from the till to pay window cleaners, suppliers etc then this need to be recorded correctly.
For this to work in Tools\Tools Menu\Company Details\System Parameters\EPOS System Parameters a nominal account needs to be assigned normally B17200 which is the Petty Cash

Now on the till select Till Maintenance\Misc Till Lift

This then opens this form:

Enter the details and a description and press Lift

A message appears for the user to confirm the payment select YES

A journal will then need to be done to balance the account


When the cash up has been done the money sits in a physical safe and then taking out to make a lodgement to the actual bank.
This then needs to be reflected in Agility and to do this a Cash Account Transfer needs to be done. 
Go to Nominal\Cash Book\Cash Account Transfer

The Date can be changed to reflect when the transfer occurred.
Leave site at HO
Transfer Type: Cash and Cheques or Credit Cards
Select the Source Bank where the money is being taken from the - Safe
Destination Banks Account where the money is being deposited
Each system can be different, so the user needs to know which codes are being used
Select Source

So CSH is the source as this is digital safe

Select Destination same screen will appear and select which Bank account is being used

Enter the value being transferred

Edit the note if desired and press OK
This then moves the money from the safe to the actual bank account in agility reflecting what the company has just done physically

With credit cards this is the same procedure the difference is that the company is not going to the bank, but the Merchant Bank is transferring funds into your bank
When these funds hit enter the same value of money which then can be easily identified when doing a Bank reconciliation

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