EPOS - Collections

EPOS - Collections


Agility Pro has a built in collections system, that offers the ability to create a collection where a customer can pay a deposit through the till and then subsequent payments through the collection module.
This is ideal for Christmas Club where customers buy things and pay off the items in installments. An item can not be collected until there is sufficient payments to release the goods.


Certain features of the Collections system are enabled/disabled in the Security menu.
Go to Tools\Tools Menu\Security\

Group Access Rights

Select the Group from the drop down
Select Sales:
Customer Collection - True allows users to do them
Deliver/Collection Queries - Set to true enables users to view
Allow Add Item in Browse Collections - if this is set to False, the Group will not be able to add items when in Browse Collections. If set to True, they will be able to


(It is not possible to take deposit or part payment via deliveries, so a collection must be created first)
When doing a collection for an account the FINALISE button has to be used. RECEIPT button is only for CASH accounts.

To send a sale to the collection, start by entering all the items into the till screen:

Using the keyboard press CTRL+F2 or click the Delivery/Collection button on the screen

This opens the Collections and Delivery screen; the user must select if it is a Collection or a Delivery.

The below screenshot shows To Be Delivered selected, click on To Be Collected before proceeding:

NOTES can be added in the white section at the top

And then the customers details are captured, everything in red is mandatory:

The Area Code field will auto-populate with COLL as To be collected was selected.

Once completed select OK(Enter)

The above screen shows the items in the sale if everything is OK select Not Specified for the time and then click Save.

In this example the customer will take the kettle with themSo, untick the row in the column Deliver/Collect for the kettle, and then click Save.

The above screen will then appear, in the Deposit column enter the amount of money the customer is using as a deposit.

There is a Total Delivery value which can be referenced.

Now press Accept

If required, the date can be changed but can also be left at the current date.

Press Yes

If something needs changing or a mistake has been made click AMEND DELIVERY otherwise click COMPLETE DELIVERY

The collection is then returned to the sale screen to be finalised:

The screen shows the sale is for COLLECTION

The total value to be taken is 64.65, which is the 30 for the deposit and the kettle the customer is taken with them for 34.65.

Now the payment can be taken.

If an item has been selected for warranty, then details will need to be captured also.

See document on setting up warranty.

Enter the model and serial no.

Press Save (Enter)

Select YES

Select how to print, and then press Enter on the keyboard.

Payments and Finalising the Collection

When the customer returns to make a payment, go to the Browse Customer Collections shortcut:


The Browse Customer Collections will appear. All Customer Collections will appear on the top part this window. Clicking on a Customer row will return what items are in that collection on the bottom part of the window.

You can change the Search for date to return collections prior to the specified date and then click the Refresh button

(it is good practice to always click the Refresh button before looking for a customer collection).

Export Grid: this is a feature throughout Agility. Here the customers sale can be exported to CSV/Excel

Search F1If there is a lot of collections, instead of scrolling through the list, there is the option to search for the customer instead.

Only active collections are searched for so if the collection has already been closed then select "include closed"
When the Search F1 button is pressed the following message appears:

Click Yes and the Search By screen will appear:

Here the user can search for a specific customerdetails and return them to the Browse Customer Collections screen.

Additional Payments

In the below example, an additional payment will be taken for the goods.

To do this, click on the row with the customer in to select the row and then click the Receipt button. (a black arrow will appear on the left column to show that the row has been selected)

The below screen will then appear:

The software detects the total balance outstanding, and this can be overwritten to the value the customer wants to pay.

Press OK and the till screen will open to take a further deposit for the goods. (if the till is already open, an error will appear, close the till screen and then try again)

Enter user ID

The description field shows what sale the deposit is for.

Select the payment type to finalize the deposit.

When the user returns to Browse Customer Collections they will see the following:

Customer David Malcolm has a sale value of 330

They have paid to date 130

Leaving a balance of 200

Cancel A Collection

Customer may want to cancel a collection and to do this the user has to select the collection and then press the Cancel button.
The following message:

Say Yes and the following message appears

Say Yes
The till will open and then the user will be asked for a reason code

Collection now cancelled and monies refunded.

Finalise the Collection

Now the collection is going to be finalized:

The procedure is the same as taking a payment but this time click the Finalise button, instead of the Receipt button.

Click Yes on the above message

The till screen will open, enter User ID and the below message appears informing the user they are now processing the collection:

Click OK

Pressing the Subtotal button the user will see the total value of deposits taken and the outstanding balance to be take 200. Select the Payment Type to proceed.

Collection to Deliveries
An enhancement is coming where the following steps are not required and this document will then be updated - 3rd May 2022

If this item is to be delivered instead of collected, after clicking the Finalised button select the  instead of Sub Total button.

All customer information will be remembered.

The area code screen will open to select the correct area and click ENTER

Now select OK

The screens that follow are the same as creating the collection

Total outstanding balance is required at this point.

Sale is now in the deliveries.

Review Collections

If the user returns to the Browse Customer Collections screen, the collection is now not there as it has been finalised and therefore closed.

By ticking the Include Closed checkbox when viewing the collections any that have been closed will be returned and the writing will be in red:

Searching for Customers

As customers information is captured this data can then be used to search so that the same information is not required to be entered again.

When clicking the Delivery/Collection button from the till screen the below appears:

Customer Name & Address Search are for Trade Accounts only.

Telephone number search can be used for both Cash and Trade Customers. For the search to work, the number must be inputted exactly, not in random order.

On this screen there several search glasses by selecting these the user can search for a customer. The most common is the Tel No:

Enter a number and then press the search glass

This will return any customer with this number

If the customer is listed then select the customer and then press Select to return the data.

Proceed with the collection as normal.

Refunding a Deposit\Collection

When refunding a deposit\collection this cannot be done through associated sale as the system untick the deposit and when this is ticked the following message appears:

Open Browse Customer Collections
Select the customer to cancel the deposit\collection and press the cancel button and the below message appears:

Select YES
If the till is open this message appears therefore close the till before starting to cancel\refund

When cancel is pressed the till opens and the user logs in and they will need to have a reason code to proceed and authority to do so.
Once the reason code is entered the deposit or the total of monies paid will populate the till.

Select the payment method for the refund
Add a note
Refund for a deposit\collection completed.

The below section will be transferred to a new article and a link here to take you to it.


Click on the Allocate Deliveries and Returns shortcut button 

The below screen will appear:

If deliveries were set to AUTO LOAD these would be in blue indicating, they were already loaded

This screen is the like collections screen and by selecting the customer will show what they have ordered beneath.

There will be more information in the deliveries document on the buttons but for now the following is the same as Collections:

Refresh, Split Line, Change Address, Details and Export.

To assign the delivery select the row and then click on the Allocate Driver drop down and select the driver, the vehicle will then automatically be selected

Now double click on the row to assign the driver and vehicle

Now click the Load List button

Click Yes to the above message

The Load List will be printed so staff can pick the items to be loaded on the van and a message indicating the Load List Number will appear, click OK

This changes the row from Yellow (New) to Blue (Loading)

Now the delivery is ready to be dispatched.

Type the load number or select from a list by clicking the search glass:

All delivery load numbers will be displayed here if search glass is clicked.

Choose the load number to be delivered.

Once the load number is selected, the only items in the grid are for that load number.

Now that it is ready to be dispatched, click the Save button:

Click Yes and for CASH customers a Dispatch Note will be produced.

The delivery is now completed.


Contact Customer: Use this to inform customer items are available or there has been a delay


Receipt: To take another payment against the collection

Cancel: This is to cancel the collection and return the deposit(s) to the customer

Change AddressChange the address details of the customer:

M Component: Information to follow

Details: Shows all information for the collection

Split Line: If the customer had more than 1 of the same item this can be split and a final payment can be taken.

Select the customer and then the item which is going to be split

In this example the customer has 2 but they could have more, and the user enters how many the customer wants to take with them. Once entered select Save.

The grid now shows a Qty of 2 and Qty to Collect Tdy is set to 1

Click the Finalize button and this will complete the split line and return the item(s) to the grid for payment.

This will deduct the deposit from the item being collected.

Take payment to complete the sale.

The Browse Customer Collection screen now looks like this:

Total value 209.74

Total Deposits 104.87

Outstanding Balance 104.87

Qty ordered 2

Qty collected 1

Qty to Collect Tdy 1

Finalize: To finalize and Close the Collection

Exit: Self Explanatory

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