EPOS - Receive Account Payment

EPOS - Receive Account Payment


In Agility a user can take a payment from a customer at the till and through the Nominals.
This comes down to each business practice and there are different scenarios:
1. Staff can take the payment but not match and the matching is done in the back office.
2. Staff can take a payment and match against invoices and credit.
3. Back Office staff take payments and match.

Receive Account Payment

For a user to take a payment at the till navigate to the ribbon menu and select Receipts - Receive Account Payment

Pay Type

This displays how the customer is paying e.g. Cash, Credit Card etc.


Select the customer account by right mouse clicking and searching by the name or enter the account code


Now enter the amount the customer is paying

Pay Ref

If a credit card is being used in non integrated mode the authorisation code can be entered here.

Settlement Discount

This can be used if a customer has a balance of 1500.51 and they pay 1500 the 51 can be settlement discount

Cash Back

This can be used if a payment is being made by debit card or in some places a cheque.

Show Notes

This shows notes on the customers account 


Press SAVE


Cancel the payment please note a value greater than 0 needs to be entered before cancelling


Process's the payment

Cash Matching

See this kb: EPOS - Cash Matching

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