In Agility the user can sell different product e.g. Batched tracked, Multi Component, EMC etc.
This example is for Batched tracked.
In the KB about creating batched items the user can record a number or a number and expiry date.
When selling these items the user has to select from the grid which batch numbers are being selected for sale.
For the company there are reports that list batched items for the revenue and who bought these also.
The sale is done in exactly the same way as normal the difference is after payment.
After the payment type has been selected the following box appears for the user to select which batch numbers are being sold
The above screen shot shows the qty ordered - 40 and the qty picked - 0
Best practice is always to select the quantity about to expire so in the QTY PICKED field record which items are being sold.
In this example a quantity from each batch was picked
This screen shots show the qty ordered - 40 and picked 40
At the bottom of the form is a Qty to Pick this reduces as the quantity is being picked so here it is 0 as all have been selected.
It is still possible to select Cancel if something does not look right.
If all good select Save to post the sale.
It is a legal requirement to capture the name and address of your customers so if one has not been recorded the software checks:
Select OK and the Address form appears:
Now enter the name and address and these can be used in the future for future purchases by the same customer.
Press SAVE and the user will be asked to confirm the address changes select YES
ALL done
The invoice will then show the details for the customer and also the breakdown of the batched purchased.
This allow the user to monitor the batched items to view when they are expiring etc.
On the ribbon menu select the shortcut All batched items will be seen.
EXPIRED word Link
Select this to filter the grid to view expired items only
In the screen shot above there is one that has expired click the word expired to see the code
EXPIRING word link
This will filter the grid for all codes that are expiring in the days field.
In the screen shot above there are none that are expiring within 5 days
From the grid select the code that needs editing
In the screen shot above the date was recorded wrong and needs to be changed.
Select edit to change the date as there has been no movement against the code.
The user will be informed if they want to change the date say YES
This basically refreshes the grid so that any changes will brought in.
Press the REFRESH button and the edited code will now come in the list.
The default is set to 5 but the user can enter a new number of days in the field and press this button to update from 5 to 10.
When Expiring in is selected all codes matching the criteria will populate the grid.
Basically prints the PO that the code was ordered on.
Standard across all grids which exports to excel or a CSV file.
This lets the user search by a stock code or batch number
Closes the screen
In Reporting - Standard Reports - Stock - Batch Tracking there are 4 reports:
Batch Log Report
Batch Sales Report
Batch Purchases Report
Movement for Individual Batch