Agility provides different ways to do promotions from providing a discount to products or BOGOF and these are set up in different places. This article explains how to create a promotion called "Promotion Pricing" through Agility Professional. This feature enables the user to create a promotion and give a discount off all the products. Products can be impoted from a CSV file or searched for through the look up screens similiar to Browse Stock being able to search by supplier, category, group and type to name a few. SOA's are also able to be done through this and imported but plese note the file has to be created in a specific wat for this to work.
Let us begin to explore how to create a promotion by first getting familiar with the screen itself.
To set up a promotion, go to: Stock-Ledger Maintenance-Promotion Pricing:
The following screen will appear:
On this screen there are a number of buttons, filters and drop downs.
SOA - Sale on Approval. Detailed below
Delete Promotion - Deletes the promotion
Import from CSV - Setting a promotion from a file
% Change - Changing the discount
Authorised - Authorising the promotion after set up or when its been edited
Extend - When the date is being changed
Save - Save the promotion without activating
Suspend - Suspends the promotion
Add Item - Add stock codes
Edit Item - Edit the stock code pricing
Delete Item(s) - Delete codes from the promotion
Copy - Copies a promotion -
Suspend Item - Leaves the code in the promotion but is not used. Can be unsuspended also.
Export - Exports the current promotion
Prices as Nett or Gross - How the discount will be applied
Promotion Name - Required to start the promotion
Runs From and To - Date range for the promotion
Promotional Discount - The discount being applied to the standard pricing
All Depots - If the business has multiple depots then the promotion is applied across all
This Depot Only - Only the current depot
St Type - Agility has different Stock Types the standard is S
Supplier Discount - Discounts the Buy Price of ALL items on the promotion regardless of the supplier.
Ensure codes are from the supplier giving the discount.
E-Commerce - Promotions work on all e-commerce or specific ones
Disallow Further Discounts - Prevents any further discounts being applied to the promotion
Customer Types - If, the business is using customer types the leave as ALL or select the one it is for
Single Customer - Promotion is for a specific customer only
Include Closed Promotions From - This lets you search for closed promotions which can then be started again. Select the date
That is an introduction to the buttons and filters and each will be explained in detail below where appropiate.
Before we begin an explanation of the two types of promotions that can be created here, the standard discount promotion and the SOA.
This section is outlining how to set a promotion pricing without importing.
To create a promotion follow these steps:
- Give it a name - This required
- Set the Runs from and to dates - these can be extended but not reduced
- Give it a discount - Tihs is a percentage
- Choose the depot - defaults to ALL
- Choose the stock type - defaults to S
- E-Commerce - Only availble if integrated websites are connected if so select which one or ALL
- Decide if further discounts - This prevents staff reducing the items further
- Choose the customer type - default is all
- Single Customer - The promotion can be set for a specific customer ONLY
- Add the items/codes that are to be included in the promotion
- Message box asks the user to save the promotion, select YES
- The next screen opens which is the same as the browse stock screen. Here the user can do a stock code or search on all the normal filters that are used in the browse stock screen.
- Once the searching of the codes are completed and all items in the form are valid for promotion then Select ALL, this ighlights all rows red and then EXIT. All codes are now added to the promotion.
When in the screen all the other buttons now are enable for the user to edit, delete, copy and suspend.
Nett and Gross Price
Is the promotion based on NETT or GROSS, select accordingly. Both the Price and Pr Price field will change to reflect the selection made.
Now that the promotion has been created this can be saved waiting to be authorised or authorise which makes the promotion active.
When active
will be visible.
NOTE: Items CANNOT be edited while the promotion is authorised.
Edit Items
If, the promotion has been authorised first suspend the promotion.
When this button is selected a new screen opens:
The user can change the Promotional price, how many items are in the promotion and give a promotional buy price.
Promotion Quantity
NOTE: When entering the number ensure to highlight the 0 to overwrite. if this does not happen then the qty becomes 10 if 1 is entered.
When the promotional quantity has been sold the user will get a message informing them that the items have been sold and therefore the item will be sold at the normal price.
If the user sells on one line more than what is allocated to the promotion the following message appears:
What the user needs to do is change the quantity so that the items on the promotion are sold at the promotion price and then the other(s) are sold at standard.
Change 2 to 1 and then sell item again.
This allows the company to amend the buy price
NOTE: This has no bearing on the actual margin as this is only to stop the item in the sale going red.
Now that the promotion has been set up the software now needs to know that this is ready to be used.
Authorise is the button that lets the software know it is to be used.
Save basically saves the promotion without authorising for the software to use.
SOA Credit
This is not accesible with a standard promotion. Please go to SOA - Sale on Application to see more information.
Lets see how the promotion works through sales, stock and reports.
Once authorised the promotion is ready to go and can be seen in the till.
When in stock item maintenance the below is seen in the pricing tab
Sales - Sales Queries - Margin Transactions
The nett price of the product on promotion is 779.00
The promotion price is 701.10
Therefore the discount is 77.90
From this screen the Discount % does not show the promotional discount value and the user needs to scroll to the right to see this.
This is not going into detail of the margin calendar and how to use it there is another article for this.
Supplier Discount
Ensure codes are from the supplier giving the discount.
When tis is selected the discount is taken from the Buy Price.
Supplier Discount is 10%
Discount applied in the promotion
Buy Price normally of the code
In the sale code is highlighted and the buy and sale price have had the discount applied.
Margin Transactions reflecting the promotional discounts
Margin Calendar also reflecting the promotional discounts
There may be a time when the promotion needs to be stopped and this can be done by pressing the suspend button. The user will get a message to confirm to suspend the promotion.
The promotion screen now shows the promotion as suspended and the suspend button changes to Restart.
There may be a reason to restart the promotion and the user needs to press the restart button.
Now press the Authorise button to activate the promotion.
To extend a promotion the user has to suspend first.
Now select the promotion name again and the Extend and Authorise buttons are enabled.
Extend is for moving the end date forward.
Press the extend button and a new date field will appear:
Change the date and then press Restart
Now press the authorise button
The promotion has now been extended and is active
Change the % Discount
To change the % discount
the promotion has to be suspended first.
Select the % Change button and the Promotion Disocunt field can be edited
Now press the Restart button
Now authorise the promotion.
Suspend an Item
There may be a reason why a code is to be suspended and to do this select the code and then press the suspend item. The item will turn red so the user knows this is suspended.
To unsuspend select the row and then press the unsuspend item button.
Copy a promotion allows the user to select from a list of promotions and copy the codes to create a new promotion.
First give the promotion a name.
Then enter the promotion discount and then press copy.
To the right of the suspend item button a drop down list of promotions will appear
Select the promotion to copy.
Once selected press the Copy button again and a message box appears
Select Yes
The codes are brought into the promotion and now press authorise to activate or save for later activation.
In order to delete a promotion it first needs to be suspended
Once suspended and select Delete promotion and few messages will appear asking the user to confirm the delete.
To search for promotion use the search glass next to the promotion name.
Any open promotion will appear but if the promotion is closed then the user will need to select Include Closed Promotions From
Select the date to search from.
All promotions open and closed will appear in the list below.
Select the appropiate promotion.
Suspend Flags Header
99 Promotion Deleted - The name of this promotion cannot be used again.
9 Promotion closed
Suspend Flags Details
2 Promotion deleted
1 Promotion ended or closed
Suspend 1 - The code is suspended and will not be active in the promotion.
To import a promotion, start by going to Stock-Ledger Maintenance-Promotion Pricing:
NOTE: When a promotion is imported it is saved but not authorised.
Click on the Import from CSV button:
And select the CSV that is being imported.
The imported file must be an excel file saved in CSV format:
The CSV that you import must contain the following information on the first row:
The second and any subsequent lines must contain the below information:
The File MUST look like this
Remember to remove any commas from the description column!
For example, the below CS V import file:
Column M can be edited to be whatever price that you wish, this will override the percentage discount of the promotion. In the above example, Column M for ECO46 should be 7.97 (as that is 50% of 15.95), but I have set it as 6. And as can be seen below, the Pr Price (promo price) in the grid is 6. As it has ignored the 50% off and used the price in Column M of the
Would import a promotion called Test Promo, that would run from 20/09/2022 to 04/10/2022. It would be a promotion for 50% off the stock codes WICK3 and ECO46, as can be seen after it has been imported:
Once imported, you can Add, Edit or Delete any items using the appropriate buttons. And then when you are ready make the promotion live, you can Authorise and then Save the promotion.
The test.csv file used as an example in the article, can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this article and can be downloaded and used as a template for creating an import file.
SOA - Sale on Appliction
Give the promotiona a name
Select the SOA button and the following screen appears
Select the supplier who is offering the promotion and then press SAVE
Select ADD ITEMS and the following screen opens
The supplier is already added by default and CANNOT be changed
Search for the items that are on the promotion
Select the items from the screen and then select EXIT, this returns the codes to the promotion screen
Now each code needs editing with the SOA Credit and the promotion price
Once all codes have been edited the promotion needs to be authorised.
SOA Credit
this is the value the supplier is giving the company of the standard buy price.
There is no need to amend the buy price as the software will deduct this when it is sold.
Sales by Margin Transactions
The TotCost is minus the SAO Credit
Scroll to the right and there the user will see the margin and Promotion Disc
Margin Calendar
For Support ONLY
Article showing tables used