Labels App

Labels App

Labels App

Welcome to the new Agility Assistant Labels App.  In this article, we hope to guide you on printing labels, pairing printers and all the other features we have included in the app.
The below 

Pairing the Printer 

  1. 1. Make sure the Android device has Bluetooth turned on. To turn Bluetooth on swipe down from the top of the screen and click the Bluetooth icon. Select the printer from the list of Bluetooth devices. 

  1. 2. If pairing does not work at step 1 or the printer does not appear on the list of Bluetooth devices, press and hold the feed button on the Zebra Printer to wake the printer.

  2. 3. A prompt should then appear on the printer and on the Android device. Click accept on the printer and then click pair on the Android device. 

Printing Labels 

  1. 1. Click on the Labels app. 

  1. 2. Select a company. 

  1. 3. Enter your User ID and click “Login”. 

  1. 4. Search for a stkcode or scan a barcode. 

  1. 5. Click next when the product has been found. 

  1. 6. Click “Print”. 

  1. 7. Enter the mac address from the printer, then click “Connect Printer”. Note: you will need to make sure bluetooth has been turned on for the Android device and that it has been paired to the printer (see Pairing the Printer).  

  1. 8. Once the phone is connected to the printer, the label formats should appear in the dropdown. Select a label and click “Send to Printer”. 

  1. 1. Click on the Labels app. 

  1. 2. Select a company. 

  1. 3. Enter your User ID and click “Login”. 

  1. 4. Search for a stkcode or scan a barcode. 

  2. 5. Press and HOLD on the Item you'd like to Print

Sending Labels to Queue

  1. 1. Click on the Labels app. 

  1. 2. Select a company. 

  1. 3. Enter your User ID and click “Login”. 

  1. 4. Search for a stkcode or scan a barcode. 

  2. 5. Click next when the product has been found.

  3. 6. Press "Add to Queue" at the Top

  4. 7. Declare how many you'd like to Send to Queue

  5. 8. Press "OK"

Changing Price 

  1. 1. Click on the Labels app. 

  1. 2. Select a company. 

  1. 3. Enter your User ID and click “Login”. 

  1. 4. Search for a stkcode or scan a barcode. 

  1. 5. Click next when the product has been found. 

  1. 6. Click “Change Price”. 

  1. 7. Enter the New Price. 

  1. 8. Click “Confirm”. 

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