In this example costs have been set up for labour and electricity together with the rate and the nominal ledger account to post these costs to.
Once all items and production costs have been entered the screen will display the cost based on the current costs of the items being used to manufacture the product. Note during the actual manufacture process the stock is picked on a FIFO basis and therefore may differ. You can also
Insert: This button allows you to insert a line in the middle of the list.
Delete Component: Delete a component from the manufacture process
Delete Prod Cost: Delete a production cost from the manufacture process
Copy: Copy the items and production costs from a similar product.
This screen displays all current works orders in the system. To add a new works order click on Add New.
Enter the item to be manufactured and the quantity to be manufactured. By default, the required by date will be set to the current date. Click on Save to set up the works order.
If you need to edit the order (i.e. to change the quantity) click on the Edit Order button. To manufacture the items, click on the Process Order button
If you want to manufacture in stages amend the quantity. Otherwise click on Save to manufacture. If you look at stock activity for the manufactured code you will see that 12 have been created
And similarly 12 have been taken from stock for item1
This is repeated for all other components. If we look at the nominal ledger transaction (see ref above) we can see
Credits to B20000 (stock) re each component
Credits re the production costs
Debit to B20000 (stock) re the new manufactured item
B20100 is the works order account and should always balance to zero