Purchase - Despatch Purchase Return

Purchase - Despatch Purchase Return


After creating a purchase return when the supplier collects these good they need to despatched so that the credit note can be matched against the return and that the stock is reduced in stock type R


Go to Purchases - Orders - Despatch Purchase Return
Open this screen to display all Purchase Returns waiting to be despatched. 

The top grid will show all the returns and the second grid the details for whichever line in the top grid is selected. If there are many returns in the first grid you can enter the suppliers account code in the Account field to show just returns for that supplier 

1.     Add Line: If you need to add a further line to the Purchase Return prior to despatch click on this button to open the Purchase Return Add Item button and complete.  

2.     Delete Line. Click this button if you need to delete a line from a purchase return. If you do the stock will be moved back into standard stock and may be sold again.  

3.     Despatch: Click this button to process the despatch. You will be given the option to print (email) a debit note at this stage. This is a document that is sent to the supplier requesting a credit note. It is logged against the PO and will be flagged if you try to pay any invoice for this PO with a debit note still outstanding. A Goods Return 

See Purchase Returns
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