Purchases - Authorise Invoices

Purchases - Authorise Invoices


After adding invoices and credits either connected to a Purchase Order or Direct another step is the process to authorise invoices for payment when they have been put under query. Both invoices from purchase orders and direct invoices can be flagged as requiring authorisation.  To authorise an invoice you must first enter you User Identity which will ensure you have the correct authority to do this.


Once you have entered your id use the fields in the top right section to select invoices to be authorised.
You can select by:
  1. PO Raised By: A list of all users that raised PO’s with associated invoices requiring authorisation. Note this will exclude direct invoices
  2. Supplier: A list of suppliers for whom invoices are awaiting authorisation
  3. Between: A range of dates between which invoices were flagged for authorisation
  4. Depot: A list of depots for which invoices require authorisation
Select one or more of the query options or leave blank to select all invoices awaiting authorisation. Press the Search button.

The screen is populated with all invoices that match the search criteria. If a debit note has been automatically created and sent to the supplier when the invoice is created it will be shown as Cyan with a query flag of 99 – Awaiting Credit From Supplier.

To assist in the decision as to whether to authorise the invoice for payment or not there are a number of buttons at the bottom the screen as follows:
  1. Show Invoice: This will display the original scanned invoice from the supplier. You must have EiTrax installed and the Agility EiTrax module
  2. Show Goods In: This will display the original scanned delivery note from the supplier. You must have EiTrax installed and the Agility EiTrax module
  3. Debit Notes: If a debit note has already been created for this invoice pressing this button will display the Browse Debit Notes screen.

For more information on this screen see Purchases - Debit Notes


Click this button to display the original PO raised


Click this button to display any notes recorded against this Purchase Order or to add a Note.
More information on Purchases - Purchase Orders


Click this button to display the details on the invoice. For our example we are going to display the last invoice on the list awaiting authorisation

Information about the supplier and the invoice are displayed at the top of the screen. The grid at the bottom contains the invoice lines with the corresponding price in the original PO. If there is a difference between the PO and the invoice the lines will be coloured as described on the screen. In our example two lines are red to indicate an over charge. There are now other buttons to assist further with the decision to authorise or not.
  1. Supplier Details: Click this button to display all contact details for the supplier. This is useful information if you need to ring the supplier regarding the invoice
  2. Change Price: It may be that the original price on the PO was incorrect and the price on the invoice is correct. In which case you will need to amend the price in the system. Click this button to display

Click on Save to amend the price for QP002 in Agility. You will be asked if you wish to exclude this item from any debit note. In our example we will answer Yes as the invoice was correct.
  1. Open Stock: Pressing this button will open the main stock ledger maintenance screen. See the Agility Professional Stock Manual for more information about this screen.
  2. Exclude Debit Note: We have already seen that after changing a price you have an option to exclude an item from any debit note. You can also do this manually by pressing this button. Alternatively, if you have excluded an item from the debit note and wish to change your mind pressing this button will put it ack on the debit note
  3. Debit Note: This will create and print/email a debit note for any items that have a value > 0 in the difference column or quantity invoiced exceeds goods booked in unless they have been excluded. You can if you want also select specific lines for a debit note by clicking on the side of the grid for each line. The line will go blue.


To authorise invoices for paymnet you need to click on one of the buttons at the bottom right of the screen. These will do the following:

  1. Selected: This will authorise all invoices selected by clicking at the left hand side of the grid

  1.  All: This will authorise all invoices in the grid for payment
  2. By Query Ref: Click this button to show a list of reasons that invoices are awaiting authorisation. Select one to authorise all invoices of this type
  3. Value: Enter a value in this field and click the Value button at authorise all payments with a value < the value entered

Please note that even if you authorise an invoice with a debit note attached the payments system will withhold the value of the debit note from payment by default

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