Purchases - Browse Suppliers

Purchases - Browse Suppliers


Browse supplier screen and all the functionality associated with the screen. The visibility of some of this functionality depends on security permissions for the user.


In a similar way to Browse Orders this screen consists of a header section to enter search criteria , a grid containing the results of the search and action buttons at the bottom of the screen. The default search returns a screen such as the following

The grid shows the balance due to each supplier including the ageing.
If there is a red line with balances under the supplier this relates to items on query. 

Other search criteria include:
Account No: Enter the account code to display information for a specific account. You can enter just the first few characters to display all account codes that start with the data entered.
Account Name: Enter the name of part of the name to search for information on an account. Note that for Viking Suppliers this could be entered as Vik Sup or even Sup Vik.
Contact name: Enter the account contact name 

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