Purchases - Close a Purchase Return

Purchases - Close a Purchase Return


In Agility it is possible to close a Purchase Return after it has been despatched.

CLOSE Button

In the browse orders screen select Returns(only) the user will be asked to confirm this.
The screen will now only show purchase returns within the date range.

When the status is Despatched this means that the goods have been returned to the supplier.
The reason that these returns still remain in the screen is that a credit note has not been linked to the return just like a PO stays until an invoice is linked.
Select the return that needs to be closed.

Select Yes
Another message box appears warning the user that all items have been returned but no credit note linked.
Say No if you are waiting the credit.

Once a credit note is linked these will disappear from the screen.
Saying yes will also remove but the credit note will not be linked.

The above also works for closing a purchase order.
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