Purchases - Invoices and Buying Groups

Purchases - Invoices and Buying Groups


When you buy from a supplier through a buying group although the Purchase Order is sent directly to the supplier the invoice is paid by the buying group on your behalf. The Buying Group then raise an invoice to yourselves. When you receive the invoice from the buying group you also receive a copy of the supplier’s original invoice. This should be entered into Agility in exactly the same way as any other invoice.


In the following example we are processing an invoice from supplier CAC from whom we buy from via the buying group supplier VIK. Entry of the supplier name will indicate on the screen that liability for payment of this invoice is being transferred to VIK.

When you save the invoice, you will be prompted as follows

This message appears because the parameter Transfer Liability To Third Party has been set to Request Transfer. (Additional System Parameters/Purchases Tab). If set to Automatic Transfer the liability would automatically move to the buying group.

If the supplier invoiced in another currency , the buying group supplier will invoice you in your currency and also include VAT. Agility will therefore prompt you when saving the invoice as follows

You should always answer the default answer Yes.

This is the total value on the invoice from the buying group in your currency. By doing this you will be using the exact same exchange rates as those used by the buying group supplier

After entering the value in your currency you will be asked to confirm that you have entered it correctly

The buying group will almost certainly have added VAT as they are invoicing you within the same country. Answer Yes to this if there is VAT on the buying group supplier’s invoice. Agility will automatically add the VAT to the invoice

You may at this point enter the buying group supplier’s invoice number for future reference.

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