Purchases - Purchase Orders - Supplier List

Purchases - Purchase Orders - Supplier List


Agility Professional allows users to raise Purchase Orders through a supplier list.
This is a list of all products for a specific supplier.


 An alternative to using the Add Item button from the main purchase order screen is to use Supplier List. This will open up the following screen

This is a list of all products supplied by the supplier whether as the preferred supplier of an alternative supplier.
The grid also includes information about the last date the stock was ordered, the last price paid and who it was last bought from.
You can scroll down the quantity field entering the quantity to be purchased for each item.
If you need to change the price of an item, click in the Price field and amend it. Just as with the Add Item screen the system will prompt you as to whether you wish to amend the price on the stock file.
If you click this button after entering a number of products via the Add Item button you will be warned that 

If you click on the Qty column for a volume/timber stock item, you will be prompted to enter the lengths.
When you have entered quantities for all the products you wish to add to the order click on Save and all items with a quantity greater than zero will be added to the order.

Create New Stock Item

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