Purchases - Supplier Details

Purchases - Supplier Details


Agility Professional includes a purchase ledger enabling the company to set up their suppliers.
These suppliers can be linked to buying groups and if BACS/SEPA is required these details can also be recorded


There is various security in Agility Professional that enables or disables what users can access.
In Supplier details there are various tabs, and these can be made visible or not depending on access settings.
In Group Access Rights in Purchases, when changes are made log out of Agility to update the requirements

Supplier Maintenance - Supplier Maintenance - if set to true can access 

Supplier Details Tabs - 

BACS - Suppress Access to Supplier Bank Details - if set to true user will not see this

Suspend Account - Suspend Account - if set to true can suspend the supplier account


Like many forms in Agility these can be broken down as headers and tabs.
The tabs in Supplier Details; Account, BACS, Contacts, Templates, Buying Group, Analysis, Sub Cont and AIM


To create a new supplier the following is required:
Account Number - Alpha Numeric e.g. POWER01
Account Name
Account Address
Status for VAT
Country and Currency
All the other tabs can be added as and when required.
Code: This is the code you assign to a supplier record and will be used throughout the system whenever you need to select a supplier. The code can be a mixture of alpha and numeric characters with a maximum length of Name: The name of the supplier
Address: The registered address for the supplier. Entered over four lines (each a maximum of 50 characters) and a postcode field
Status: This is the VAT status for the supplier. You must select one of these values. The default is ‘Registered’.
Registered: The supplier is VAT registered in your country
Not Registered: The supplier is located in your country but not required to be VAT registered
EC Exempt(Zero Rate): The supplier is located in another country in the EEC. With this option, all items purchased from the supplier will automatically be zero rated with VAT Rate ‘ECX’
EC Non Exempt (unrec): No longer used
Outside EC: The supplier is located in another country that is not part of the EEC. 
EC Reversing: As with option iii the supplier is located in another country in the EEC. However, with this option whenever an item is booked in Agility will post a VAT entry for VAT Input and a reversing entry for VAT output. If importing from an EEC supplier in another country to yours, you are advised to discuss with your accountant whether you should be using EC Exempt or EC Reversing


Registered Number: The VAT registration for the supplier 
Country: The country that the supplier is located. (If the country is not in the list it will need to be added through the Nominal Ledger)
Currency: This is the currency that the supplier will invoice you in.
A/C with them: This is your account number in the supplier’s system
Default Nominal: This is the account in the nominal ledger against which transactions for this supplier will be posted. The default if this field is left blank will be P60000 (Purchases/Cost of Sales). However, if may be appropriate to select another account e.g. the supplier for your electricity should have the default nominal set to the nominal account in your system for Gas/Electricity.
Credit Limit: This is your credit limit with the supplier
Terms: The number of days you have to settle an invoice. You should also select one of From Month End or From Invoice to indicate how to calculate the payment terms
Credit On Hold: Should be set if your account with the supplier is on hold
Settlement Discount: If you get a settlement discount for paying early or within terms enter the discount here and the number of days at which you will qualify for this payment discount
Apply Sett Disc excl VAT:  
Apply Sett Disc to VAT on Inv: 
No Back Orders: If the supplier does not part-ship this option should be selected. When goods are then booked in from the supplier if there are lines on the PO not fulfilled these will be reset so that the PO can close when the invoice is booked in.
Default VAT Rate: By default, the system will always us the VAT rate assigned to the stock code. However, there are occasions where goods purchased have a different VAT rate to that at which they will be sold. Entering a VAT rate in this field will cause the invoice entry screens to use this VAT Rate rather than that assigned to the stock code.
Zero VAT Supplier: 
Request Customs Exchange Rate:  
Apply EMC Charges: 
Sale and Return Supplier: 
SR Cost Calc: 
Mandatory Stock Reference: 
Restrict Supplier: 


Accept BACS payments: Click this option if you can pay the supplier via electronic payment. Agility Professional is fully SEPA compliant and will automatically create the SEPA file to be sent to the bank
Sort Code: The bank sort code for the supplier
Account Number: The bank account number for the supplier
Bank Account Name: Name of Bank
IBAN: The IBAN code for the supplier’s bank account
BIC: The BIC(SWIFT) code for the supplier’s bank account
Pay From: You bank account from which payment will be made


In this TAB you can enter up to four contacts for the supplier – one account contact and three sales contacts.
Clicking on the PRESS button allows you to add address details should the contact work at a different address to the supplier’s registered address.
The email address is used by agility when emailing documents to the supplier.
When the user presses the PRESS button they can select which account is the default for emailing.


The fields on this tab allow you to select different templates to the defaults.
Send PO Electronically: Under development. More information to follow


This tab is only relevant if you are part of a buying group and although you raise orders to this supplier you are invoiced by the buying group. This tab has a number of fields as follows:
Buying Group: Select the buying group that this supplier provides goods to you through.
Email Address: This is the email address of the buying group. Agility can email the group in circumstances such as a debit note being raised for an invoice or an invoice being queried
Buying Group Account: This is your account with the Buying Group
Clear Buying Group: Button removes the supplier from the buying group


This tab contains a number of fields miscellaneous fields as follows
Default Delivery Charge: Self Explanatory
Default Lead Days: Number of days this supplier requires to deliver items. This value will be inherited by any stock code created for this supplier
Buyer Responsible/Secondary Buyer: It is possible to appoint buyers responsible for dealing with a supplier. If you do this then only this user (or the secondary buyer) can raise a PO for this supplier. This is also true if looking at stock requirements for a supplier.
Min PO Value: Indicates the minimum PO value for this supplier. This is often because orders below this value will attract delivery charges. Agility Professional depending on user permissions may still allow you to save a PO below this value
Min No Cases: The minimum number of units/cases that can be ordered from this supplier on a PO. As above user permissions can allow this to be overridden
Auto Ssock Req: 
No. Weeks: 
No. Weeks
Send Stk Req PO automatically: 
Account Checked To: Date that the supplier account was last reconciled to. This date is set by the user for reporting purposes only and is not used anywhere else in the system. It can be left blank
Prompt for Freight and Duty at Goods In: 

This tab also has one button on it that if pressed will do the following:
Set Up Costs: The true cost of a product is often not the price you pay the supplier. There are very often additional costs such as import costs and freight charges. Agility Professional allows you to add these costs to stock codes so that when booked into stock they reflect a cost that more accurately reflects the true cost to the company. Very often these additional costs are the same for all products purchased from a supplier. This button opens up a screen that allows you to set up these costs as default costs for any stock item created in Agility Professional that can be purchased from this supplier. To enter these costs complete the screen as follows

You can enter one import cost and up to ten set up costs as defaults. In the above example whenever a new stock code is created for this supplier it will inherit these set up costs – they can be amended for the individual stock item is required. 
In the above example there are two set up costs
3% for freight – Nominal Ledger Account P75000
2% for insurance – Nominal Ledger Account P74100
If stock code X is supplied by this supplier at €100 then it will be booked into stock at €105 to reflect your true cost. Note that if the % option is not selected then a fixed cost is added rather than a %. 

When saving these set up costs the system will prompt as follows


This tab is only relevant for Irish companies that use sub-contractors.
As different VAT rates are used for purchases and sales these should be recorded here


This will under development and a link will be produced to take you to what this does 


At the top of the screen on the left hand is a small menu called options. Click on this for a list of additional functionalities
Change Delivery Address: By default, the delivery address for any PO will be the company address. If, however, you have multiple depots, and this supplier will always deliver to another depot you can change the delivery address in this screen. 
Delete Record: Pressing this option will delete the supplier from the system. This is only allowed if there have been no transactions recorded against the supplier or stock codes set up with this account as a supplier
Suspend Supplier: Pressing this option will stop you being able to buy from this supplier. Before displaying the suspend screen the system will check if there are any stock items still recorded with this supplier as the preferred supplier. If there are you will be advised to amend these so that this supplier is an alternative. 

Enter your User Id and a Reason and click Confirm to suspend this account. You must have the correct security to perform this task
Re-instate Supplier: Pressing this option will re-instate a suspended supplier and allow you to purchase from them again. The same screen as Suspend Supplier is displayed to re-instate a supplier. Please note that just clicking confirm on the reason screen will not change the supplier status until the whole supplier record is saved – see para 13 below.
Third Party Payee: This option is only relevant if you pay a supplier by pre-printed cheques. If a supplier uses a third-party company to collect payment on their behalf the cheque would need to be made payable to this company. Entering a different name here will ensure that this happens.
Change Supplier Code: If a supplier informs you that it has changed its registered name as well as amending the supplier's name you may also wish to amend the account code as well. This is done through this screen. It will update all records in the system including historical records to the new account code.
Note this may take a long time and should preferably be done when no-one else is logged onto the system
Supplier Notes: More information to follow

Save: To save the details entered for the Supplier you can either
Press NEW in the button bar at the top of the screen. This will save the data and the clear the screen to enter a new supplier
Press CLOSE in the button bar at the top of the screen. This will save the data and exit the screen.

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