Sales - Customer Profiles

Sales - Customer Profiles


Customer Profiles provides the function of customers being grouped together to get discounts for products.
An example of these profiles could be Builders, Plumbers, Electricians etc.
The above examples provide the ability to provide copper piping  to the plumber at a different price than the electrician.
These profiles can be created and then slowly add how discounts are going to be applied.
When setting up stock codes the ability to assign codes to Category, Groups and Types also comes into play here as you can do discounts from the highest level Category down to the lowest level the stock code itself.


Agility can default to customer types take precedence.
Tools\Tools Menu\Companies\System Parameters\Additional Parameters\Sales Tab 
This will be ticked moving forward 

To enable a user to be able to create and maintain customer types go to Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\
Select the group and select menu Tools\Customer Types TRUE or FALSE


To crate a profile go to Tools\Tools Menu\Companies\Analysis and Reporting Codes\Customer Types

This form shows the Profiles\Types created
To create a profile enter a code(6) Characters long and a description for the profile.
Now select ADD and this adds the name to the gird.
If, the user needs to edit the description or ADD/REMOVE some filter listed below double click the profile
Exclude columns does exactly that they will not be applied to SO - Sales Orders and Touch which is our touchscreen till application.
Default - This is to assign a profile so that when a new customer is created this will be what is assigned to them.
Staff tick box can be used for setting up a profile for staff and when in user detail the ADD Staff Member is used to create a customer account for the customer and link them to the profile where this has been flagged.
E-Commerce - This can link profiles to an integrated website.
Fixed Price - this tickbox allows the use of a fixed price instead of a percentage discount
To EXIT and SAVE the profile\Type select the X in the top right


Now that the profile\Type have been created the process of adding category, groups, types or stock codes with a discount can proceed.
From the form select the profile to edited and then select the PROFILE button.


EXPORT - Exports the grid to excel\csv

ADD - Adds a Category, Group, Type or Stock code

Profiles are based on a percentage which can be an increment or discount
Of if Fixed Price was chosen above, it will look like this:

Once the above criteria has been selected press SAVE.
The following message is given for further instructions

The options now appear on the right and one needs to be selected to apply the discount:

Update/Insert ALL customers with the customer type:
1. To this discount.
2. To this discount unless individual discount already exists
3. Except any that have a better discount already
4. Display all customers records for this customer type and give option to select which should be amended
Once an option is selected press SAVE on the options side

EDIT - Edits the above

REMOVE - removes a Category, Group, Type or Stock code

COPY - copies a Category, Group, Type or Stock code

EXIT - Closes the profile and saves the changes


Now that the customer type has been created it can be assigned to the appropriate customers.
Go to Sales\Ledger Maintenance\Customer Details
Search for the customer and go to the Analysis Tab

Select Customer Type and a list appears and now choose the appropriate one.
Now Save the customer.


The profile button on the customers account is different to customer types and is distinct to that customer only.

When Profile is selected the same screen appears as when a customer type is created or being edited.
There is also the facility to copy a customer type to the customer from a drop down menu in the bottom right corner.
We recommend using customer types as this streamlines the discounting structure of the business and also when prices are changed these are then maintained also. 
If, a specific customer qualifies for additional discount then use the Exception Pricing Card and this is based on price and not a discount.
See Exception Pricing Card article - this needs written and then linked.
Also, add to quotes document as this can be created there also

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