STOCK - Shelf Label Printing

STOCK - Shelf Label Printing

Agility Labels is Moving!
We aren't going far though! Please head to the new "Agility Labels" guide to learn more!


In many stores the printing of shelf labels is required and Agility has a built in shelf label printer.
This article will explain how to assign printers and labels and then to print them.
There is also an APP that will do this and connects to a mobile printer so labels can be printed on the shop floor and replaced.


Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Reports\Print Shelf Labels

Assign Labels and Printer

Here the label and printers are assigned.

Send Label to Queue

Label printing works through a queue, this means that whenever a stock code is added to does not print immediately but is sent to the queue.
Only when you print the label from the queue will the queue be cleared.
To access the queue go to the following menu:

From this form stock codes can be searched for by the below filters e.g. Category, Supplier etc. or enter the Stock code in the top left

After which press "Search"

A question is asked to clear the grid say YES/OK unless there are other items in grid and are adding multiple to the queue.
Press NO, if you are starting a new queue. Press YES

Now that items are in the grid and the Print button is selected this then sends the list to the queue for actual printing.
To get to the queue that we added the items to go to the following menu


Clear Grid: Clears the data from the grid
Alter Quantity to: Changes the number of labels that will print for each stock code.
Deselect All: Removes the Print flag so users can select which labels are to be printed.
Select by Bin: A new screen opens listing existing bin locations.
Layout: Saves the layout if user changes the columns.
Use Default: From this drop down a user can select which type of labels can be printed. These can be assigned in stock item maintenance screen. Or leave as default and the software will go through each type asking the user to change the labels when required.

Shelf Label Queue


Items can be remove by unticking the flag Print.
To print it press the "Print" button

Follow the prompts that pop up and wait for the black box to appear and then disappear.
Now answer the question "Did everything print OK?"
To reprint everything or test something, hit no. This will keep the items in the table, if they did print wish to clear the table select yes.

Bullet Points

  • Go to Stock->Ledger Maintenance->Stock Item Maintenance->Print shelf Labels; this will bring you to the menu where you can add items to the queue
  • Search for a stock code, when prompted to clear the grid either select yes or no depending if there are items below already.
  • Once all the items you wish to print are there, press PRINT; This will send them to the queue
  • To get to the queue, go to File->Printing->Shelf Label Queue
  • When you are there you can select to not print certain labels, remove them from the queue or clear the entire queue. If you wish to print. Press "Print"
  • Follow the prompts, after the second one a black box will appear on your screen, wait for that to disappear before continuing
  • If you wish to reprint in order for testing, press "No" on the last prompt, otherwise press "Yes"

Trouble Shooting

  1. Help I tried to print but it asks me to save a pdf!
This will happen because the printer is not setup to print as a label, but a pdf. To change this please go to "File->Printing->Printer Setup -> Shelf Label printing" in there you can change the printer to the correct one.
  1. The label doesn't look correct!
This will happen as the wrong label template has been selected, similar to the last step go to "File->Printing->Printer Setup -> Shelf Label printing" in there you'll be able to change the label template that is used for each label. I suggest trying the one named "{something}BAR-2022" as that will likely be the one that was setup correctly. If none of the templates work please contact support, we will get back to you asap.
  1. I cant find my printer on Agility!
Ensure the printer is plugged into the computer that you're working on/ensure it's connected as a network printer so other computers can discover and utilise it. If this error persists please contact your technical support.

If none of the following issues occur but errors persist, please contact us via our helpdesk

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