Stock - Special Promotions

Stock - Special Promotions


There are different promotions that can happen in Agility Professional from:
BOGOF or Buy One Get One Free
Buy One, Get One with different discounts, 25%, 50% etc
Buy One, Get One at a specific price
Buy One, Get a specific item with different discounts
Buy from different sections for a price e.g. MEAL deals Sec1 Sandwich, Sec2 Drink, Sec3 Snack

These different combinations allow flexibility to create a promotion.

Create a Promotion

Go to Stock>Ledger Maintenance>Special Promotions

Explanation of Form

Promotion Number: This is generated by Agility

Name: Give the promotion a name

Customers: Who is the promotion for; All Customers, Trade, Retail or a Customer Type

Date From: The start of the promotion 

Use Until Date: If the is not selected the promotion will continue to run indefinitely

Applicable Between: If you want the promotion for a specific date and time; between 12:00-17:00

Promotion Type:     Here is where you state if the promotion is to be applied to an individual stock item or to all items in the promotion. 

      Individual – only one item in the promotion
      Multiple – multiple items

Promotion Types

The combination of Promotion Type and Promotion Type1 and 2 give different combinations and understanding these is important so here are some examples

  1. Decide if the promotion is for ALL codes in the promotion and any combination or just for individual codes
  2. Is the promotion for discount or price
  1. If it is for price there are now 4 additional parameters
  1. Full 
    The price will be based on the TOTAL of all items that match the promotion
    Buy 2 Get 2 for 100.00
  2. Individual
    The price will be applied to each code in the promotion
    Buy 2 Get 2 for 100
    Each code will be charged at 100.00
  3. Unique Items Only
    The promotion will only be applied to different codes and not the same code. A+A false, A+B true
  4. Unique items by Section

DISCOUNT – Individual or Multiple

Promotion Type 1: This is where you are declaring your type of promotion

Buy 1 Get 1 at 100%

Buy 1 Get 1 at 50%

Customer needs to purchase 2 items to qualify

Buy 2 Get 1 @ 100%

Customer needs to purchase 3 items to qualify


Buy 2     Get 2    at 4.00 Price

Customer only buys 2 items to qualify

Check above for variations with a price promotion

ADD Line

If the user know the stock code type ion the stock code field.
If the user does not know the code then press the search button.
The search button opens the browse stock screen to let the user search by ALL the normal criteria.
While in the browse screen the user can select multiple rows by pressing the CTRL key and then select the rows to be included in the promotion.
Once selected press the F2 button and all codes will be added to the promotion.
If, everything in the browse stock screen is part of the promotion press SELECT ALL


Give name to promotion

Enter how many are being bought to define the sections i.e.

Buy 3 get 3 @ 100 – This will create 3 sections

Select Price

Select Full 

Deselect unique items

Select Unique items by section 

Now search for the codes that will go into each section

Once a code is found in section from the drop down select which section the code will go into

Continue until promotion is complete and then save

Promotion Type 2: This is were you are giving a product with a product.

E.g. 2.5lt paint get a Harris 3” Paint Brush

This can be the same way as Promotion Type1 for a discount or a set price

NOTE the discount is always from the cheapest item in the promotion

How to Close a Promotion

In order to close a promotion an end date needs to be entered.

Once the end date is selected press the close promotion button

The system will ask if you are sure

Once Yes is selected the promotion is closed

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