Stock - Adjustments

Stock - Adjustments


In Agility there are multiple ways that stock levels can be adjusted and these are also controlled by security settings.


Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Increment Stock
Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Write Off Stock
Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Interim Stock Take
Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Cyclic Stock Take
Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Stock Take
Tools\Tools Menu\Security\Group Access Rights\Stock\Stock Take Export

Increment Stock

To increase the stock level go to Stock\Adjustments\Increment Stock

User ID: Enter the user ID who is making the adjustment
Date: Date which the adjustment will be applied to
Stock Code: Enter the code or search by the search glass right mouse clicking and enter a description
Type: This is the stock type and is normally S
Depot: This is normally Main
Quantity: Enter the quantity to increase the current value
Bin No: If these are used enter here
Unit Cost: Enter the cost of the goods
Nominal Code for Credit: This should populate automatically
Department Code: Enter if used
Cost Centre: enter if used
Reason Code: Enter if required
Job\Project Ref: Enter if used

Once all details are recorded select NEW if there are more codes to be done or CLOSE to close the screen down. 

Write Off Stock

To decrease the stock level go to Stock\Adjustments\Write Off Stock

Very similar to Increment Stock
User ID: Enter the user ID who is making the adjustment
Stock Code: Enter the code or search by the search glass right mouse clicking and enter a description
Type: This is the stock type and is normally S
Depot: This is normally Main
Nominal Code for Write Off: This should populate automatically
Department Code: Enter if used
Cost Centre: enter if used
Reason Code: Enter if required
Job\Project Ref: Enter if used
Once the code is entered select the Pick button

This screen opens linking the code that is being written off against a PO
In the Picked column enter the qty to write off.
NOTE: This cannot be greater than what is against the PO
Now press Save Pick
The Items Picked is there to show what has been selected and at times the user may need to pull the form down to see.
Now save the write off by selecting NEW or CLOSE.
NEW - Keeps form open if there are more to do
CLOSE - closed the form

Interim Stock Take

To set the stock quantity of a code go to Stock\Adjustments\Interim Stock Take

USER ID: Enter User ID
The below are a list of search criteria and if Product Category, Group and Type and have had a relationship built then once Category is selected the group will only show what have been linked to the category and then the type what has been linked to the Group.
The search works the same across all forms in agility. Right Mouse click to search by a description
Product Category: Enter a Category
Product Type: Enter a Type
Product Group: Enter a Group
Stock Code: Enter a code
Depot: Will default to the one the PC is linked to.
Stock Type: Will default to S
Supplier: Return stock linked to a supplier
Location: Bin Location


Search: Once search criteria entered press to return results to the grid
Export Grid: Like many grids in Agility this will export the values in the grid.
Import: Import a stock take. The file will need to be set up in specific way.
NOTE: Information to follow
Add to Cyclic Stock Take: Does what it says
NOTE: Information to follow
Once the above search criteria has been finished select the SEARCH button and the results will populate the grid
If searching by stock code only one code will be done at a time.

The grid now shows the quantity in stock if this is incorrect and the value is 10 then in the counted stock column enter the value 10. Now Select the RECONCILE ALL button and this will then increment the stock by 7.
If there was 1 then enter the value 1 and 2 would be written off.
NOTE: If, the search criteria is based on a Category, Supplier etc. and returns multiple lines if a quantity is not entered in the Counted Stock then this will be set to 0


Delete Lines: If the take has multiple lines and the user does not want them in then these can be deleted from the grid
NOTE: This can only be done from an Imported or Manual Stock Take.

Re-Calculate: Once the above is done press this button
Clear: This clears the grid
Batch Qty: If counting Batch the this needs to be selected
Layout: Change the position of the columns and select this to save the changes
Save Changes: 
Manual Take: 
Reconcile ALL: Once all counted stock have been entered select this to do the adjustments required
Exit: This is used to close the form



Cyclic Stock Take

Information to Follow

Stock Take

To do a Year End stock take go to Stock\Adjustments\Stock Take
WARNING - This should only be done once a year as any stock not counted will be set to 0
Information to follow:

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