Stock - Browse Non Movements

Stock - Browse Non Movements


Over time it is good practice to begin closing stock codes that are no longer being sold and this can be facilitated by the Browse None Movements  in Agility. This feature lets the user search by preferred supplier, category, group, and type.
There are radio buttons that allows the user to select if the codes will be suspended, still able to sell but not purchase or to close the code but there can be n stock assigned to the code in order to close. If codes do have either a negative or positive quantity then a stock take needs to be done to set the quantity to 0.


Navigate to Stock - Browse Non Movements

Explanation of Screen

The screen is broken up into buttons and filters


No Movement Since: Looking for stock that has not moved since this date
Default to: Suspend, Closed None - This happens when the save button is selected
For Preferred Supplier: Searches ONLY the preferred supplier - NO Alternatives
Depot: If the company has multiple then each can be searched on
Stock Type: S= Standard, R = Return. Companies may have others
Sort By: Order by the stkcode or last movement date
Department: How stock codes can be assigned if these have been set up
Category: Used in Browse stock for grouping codes
Group: Used in Browse stock for grouping codes
Type: Used in Browse stock for grouping codes
Incl Suspended Stock: Self Explanatory
Exclude Items with No Movements: Self Explanatory
Ecommerce Only: Self Explanatory


Search: Once the filters have been set press to return results
Export: Exports the grid like many grids in agility
Save: Once the codes have been selected and the "Default To" have been set


When you bring goods in that have not moved since a specific date anything that has a 0 quantity will be closed and anything that has a stock quantity will be set to suspended meaning that you can sell but cannot purchase.
the user can just use a date without any other filter and can then be ordered by non move date rather than stock code.

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