Stock - Stock Import

Stock - Stock Import

Stock Import


In Agility there are features that enable the importing of new stock codes, updating current stock codes and changing prices. 

Here is a list of ALL items which can be imported but not ALL are required. Items highlighted are not required unless you use these functions.

Dept, Cat, Grp and Type are not required unless you currently use. The order in the list is how the import routine works.

Import Field

Description of Field

Field Length

Stock Code

Must be unique



Stock Description



Leave Blank



Stock Grouping - Accounting
Need to be created prior to import with a description



Stock Grouping - Category
Need to be created prior to import with a description



Stock Grouping - Group
Need to be created prior to import with a description



Stock Grouping - Type
Need to be created prior to import with a description



Supplier Code



Supplier Stock Code - Code used by your supplier


Base units

Leave Blank


Def Buy Ctype

Case Type used to buy stock
e.g. Case(12)


Def Sale CType

Case Type used
to sell e.g. Single


Comparitive Muliplier

Leave Blank


VAT Rates

R0 = 0
R1 = 23
R13 = 13
Let us know if you have VATRates






Bin Location
Bins would need to be created in Agility prior to import
Can be left blank if not using



Producers Recycling Fund or EMC
If not used Leave Blank


Matrix X

If not Fashion Leave Blank


Matrix X Value

If not Fashion Leave Blank


Matrix Y

If not Fashion Leave Blank


Matrix Y Value

If not Fashion Leave Blank


Matrix Z

If not Fashion Leave Blank


Matrix Z Value

If not Fashion Leave Blank



If not Fashion Leave Blank


Buy Price

Buy price by Default CaseType


Sale Price inc Vat



Sale Price exc VAT



Stk Qty

If importing stock qty
otherwise leave blank


Description Local

Different Lang used with Agility Touch
Leave Blank


Manufactured M/c/p

Used if company produces manufactured items
Leave Blank


Man Component

Used if company produces manufactured items
Leave Blank


Comp Ctype

Used if company produces manufactured items
Leave Blank


Comp Qty

Used if company produces manufactured items
Leave Blank


Batched Tracked Y/N

If you have batched tracked items Seed etc


No Discount Y/N

Prevents Code being discounted


Min Margins

If you want a code to make a minimum margin



Used on delivery
Leave blank


Import Cost Nominal

If you have import costs a nominal would need setting up.
Leave blank


Import Cost Method %/P

% or Price
Leave blank if you don’t know import cost


Import Cost Value

If Import cost method
was % then 10 = 10%
or Price 10 = 10
Leave blank


Commodity Code

Have suppliers outside of Europe


Commodity Country

Have suppliers outside of Europe


Recommended Qty to Buy

NOTE When importing codes and descriptions be carful and not have the following 6" x 6" GULLY GRIDS if you do when these are import the CSV file converts the description to this  "6"" x 6"" GULLY GRIDS"

How to import

Tools>Tools Menu>Import>Stock Records

  1. Are you continuing with import from previous data load
    This question is in case these has been an import and there were some errors that needed resolving.
    By selecting yes the previous file will populate the grid to import again
  1. If not continuing select No
  2. Is this an Update File Yes or No
  1. This is to change information already held in agility e.g. description, category, group type etc.

  1. The form opens for the fields that are on the CSV file to be added to the right column
    These MUST match exactly 
    On the form in the top left is the word FILE from here the format that has been added to the right column can be saved so that there is no need to repeat the action
    To save a format Select FILE>Save>Enter a name SalePrice, BuyPrice, EComm etc
    To open select File>Open and select format required
    If CSV has column headers select ignore
    NOTE the saved file does remember this so check before importing

  2. A new form opens showing how many records are being imported
    Select the IMPORT button to import all records
    If import fails a grid will appear with all items that need editing
    Scroll to the right to see the error message E.G. Duplicate barcode double click on the row and remove barcode
    Once done select the import button again

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