Stock Information App

Stock Information App

Stock Information App

Welcome to your new Stock Information App, we've created a very minimal app that is packed full of useful information.

In this article, I'll be giving you a brief tour of the app, along with some 'Hidden' features that we believe could enhance your experience further.


After logging into the app with your EPOS ID, you'll be presented with a search screen. You can either scan a barcode or begin typing, the app will suggest stock codes based off of your search query (it will also use the barcode and suggest the stock code! )

If the app finds an exact hit for what you're looking for, it'll automatically open this screen for you. We added this to improve the user experience while using it, so less interaction is required.

If an exact hit is found, a screen will open like below. This is the information screen, at the top we have images (this will be very useful for 2023 Pro!) and under that, you can scroll to view the product information

Please Note : If your EPOS ID doesn't have access to cost price in Pro, we'll hide it here aswell.

Pressing on an image will enlarge it, allowing you to get a better look at it, if your device has a camera, PRESS and HOLD on an image to take a new picture. The camera app will automatically open, after taking a picture it'll automatically upload it.

A little 'Hidden' feature is related to the search screen. If you're looking through suggested items and don't want to open and close the information screen, PRESS and HOLD on the item in the list and you'll be presented with what we call 'Quick Info', this is a little notification box that we packed will all the best information that we think you'd need

That about covers everything, lets quickly go over what we've covered today

Key Points

  1. If the app finds an exact match on a search, it'll automatically open the information screen for you
  2. PRESS and HOLD on an item in the search screen to view 'Quick Info'
  3. PRESS and HOLD on an image to take a new one if your device has a camera
  4. Cost Price is hidden with the security setting in Agility Pro

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