Stock - Multi Components

Stock - Multi Components


In Agility is a feature that allows the use to combine multiple stock codes into one and this is called a multi-component.
These can be treat as a service item or as a stock code. Suppliers now create these type of codes for example a bath suite or a power tool pack comprising of a drill, battery and a grinder.


This could be where the user is making their own code for a bathroom suite from the current stock.
When the user looks at stock move it is the individual items that are moving and being ordered back into stock.
Create a code in the normal way but select Treat as Service Item.

Before components can be added the parent code needs to be saved.

Buy Price

Not Required, unless supplier provides the Mutli Component as a full suit, for example: some bathroom suppliers provide a price for the full suite. If there is a buy price for the MC code this is used and allocated pro-rata to the components

Sale Price

Required if the flag is not selected Price from components.

Analysis1 Tab

Now select the above tab and select Multi Component Stock to add items to the code

Multi Component Stock

When selected the below message will appear:

Select OK and the below screens appears for the user to add the components required


Add Additional Stock Items - User at the POS can add additional components. MUST be used with Price from Components.
Price from components - The price of the parent sill be the sum of the components
Suppress Print - This stops the printing of the components and only prints the header code e.g. BATHSET


Alternatives - When setting a code the user can also add alternatives e.g. gold taps instead of silver
Insert - Inserts codes
Delete - Deletes the component
Copy - Copies the component
Search - Search for codes to add to the multi-component
Save - Saves the components
EXIT - Closes and Saves the components screen


If the user knows the codes then add the code in the stock code column and hit ENTER on the keyboard.
If the user does not know the codes then use the search button and the stand stock search screen opens.
When the user continues to add components the Current Cost Price and Total Items Price increases.
This allows the user to create a Component Sale Price

Now enter the component sale price but please note that if the flag is selected Price from components this will be ignored.
If, the the flag is not being used then ensure that a price is recorded in the Sale Price field e.g. 0.01


Agility also lets the user created codes that are standard which are tracked
Create a code as normal adding a buy and sale price

ADD Components in the Analysis1 Tab
When Multi Component Stock is selected the following message appears

The below screen appears which is different to the service item one:

Refer to Flags and Buttons above listed in service item

Once codes are added select EXIT and save


Selling a component is no different to any other code except that another screen opens

Standard Stock Screen


Delete Items - This removes a quantity from the selected row

Restore - Select the row where a quantity has been amended
If a row is selected where a quantity has not been amended then the below message appears

Save - If no changes are being made then select this button to add to the sale

Service Item

This screen is slightly different as you can have alternatives if 

These can only be selected if created with the MC code.
No changes press save.
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