Stock - Stock Item Maintenance - Buy Price Tab

Stock - Stock Item Maintenance - Buy Price Tab

Once a stock code has been created this can then be maintained by going to Stock\Ledger Maintenance\Stock Item Maintenance\Stock Items or by selecting the shortcut on the menu.

From this screen a codes can also be created and there are four tabs required:
Accounting, Supply, Buy Price and Pricing (Sale Price) 
In each of these there is much information but only what states required is mandatory for creating a code.

The screen works on TABS like many screens in Agility.
The buttons NEW and CLOSE will give the user options to save or cancel the changes. 
The NEW button keeps the above screen open and the CLOSE will close the screen.
One of these will need to be selected to SAVE the new code or any edits.

This is to get a user creating a code or maintaining existing codes

Buy Price - Required
Select the ADD button to create a new price for the code

NOTE: IF there is only 1 supplier for the code select the Price field and below will automatically be populated.
Supplier - Select the supplier from the list. This is created from the supplier tab for preferred and alternative
Currency - Will be selected once the supplier is
Stock Type - Defaults to S = Standard Stock
Case Type - Selected from the Supply tab
Valid From\Until - How long the price exists for - Defaults to 50 years
Price - Add the price
Once above is done select OK
The price will then be added to the form:

If the price changes select remove and repeat above
This shows purchase orders for the stock. Select a row and then select the details button will open the purchase order that the code was ordered on

Select this and a screen opens allowing buy, sale and set up costs to be changed

More to come

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