Security - Total Number of Licenced Users Exceeded

Security - Total Number of Licenced Users Exceeded


Agility works on concurrent license meaning if a company has purchased 6 licenses the 6 users can only be logged in at a time.
Agility can be installed on as many PC's as the company wants but ONLY 6 can use the software at the same time.
Also, if a user logs in one PC and fogets to log out and then logs onto another PC they can do. But when they return to the orginal PC they will have lost connection and a series of error messages will appear which they will just need to click throguh and then log back in again.

Opening Agility Pro

When opening Agility Pro, if the below message appears:

It means all of the licences are currently being used, so someone will need to close/logout of Agility Pro before you can open and login to Agility Pro.

To see the currently logged in users and log a user off, go to Tools-Tools Menu-Security-Log Off Users:

This will have to be done on a PC that is already logged in.

The below window will appear:

This shows all of the users logged in, not including the person looking at this window.
In the example above, Michael is logged in and viewing the Log Off Users window, so he does not show in the list (as it is not possible to log yourself off from this screen).
In the above example, if the TEST SYSTEM site had a 4 user licence, and someone else tried to log in, they would be presented by the Total Number of licenced users exceeded.
This is because TILL02, DBAUSER, ANNMARIE and MICHAEL would equal 4 concurrent users. 
To log a user off, select the user by clicking on their name and the click the Log Off Selected button. Alternatively, the Log Off All button can be used to log off all active users except the user that is clicking Log Off All.

When a user is logged off using this method, they will receive the below message:

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