At the end of the day the till will need to be cashed up. The software will compare what has been processed through Touch and what the user has counted and this will produce a poistive or negative write off or everything matched.
Select the Manage button:
Select X Totals
This will show you what the system has processed currently
CASH includes Takings, Lifts and Floats
This can be printed.
To cash up touch select the Manage button
Select Cash Up-Till
This screen appears
The top section is what the system has processed and is left blank until cheques, cards, cash and float are counted
When cashing up with Touch the software ADDS together the float and counted cash.
Best practice:
1. Count the Cheques and Cards.
2. Float
3. Cash
CASH and FLOAT screen look this
Select the denomination to be counted and a keyboard appears to enter the quantity:
Enter the quantity of denomination not the value e.g. 5 x €10, 40 x 10cent
Once counted Select DONE
The totals populate with the figures added
After counting select the NEXT button this now shows what the system has processed like on the X Totals
If, happy with the information select Finish
At the bottom of the screen
When this Write Off figure is positive this means the counted cash is SHORT to the system
When this Write Off figure is negative this means the counted cash is OVER to the system
When the system prints the cash up this reflects the cash up screen
COUNTED TOTALS in the middle
FLOATS - Breakdown of denomination used in the float
Counted Total - what the user has counted
Amount to Bank - Counted Total - Float
WRITE OFF - The difference between the system total and counted total