Tran Types in Agility

Tran Types in Agility

Tran Types in Agility

AAD Automatic Adjustment Automatic Adjustment
ACH Archived Transactions (by period) Archived Transaction
ACY Archived Transactions (whole year balanc Archived Transaction
ADM Administration charges Administration
ARC Archive Trasnaction Archive
ASP Apportionment Split Apportionment Split
AWO Automatic Write Off Write Off
BAL Balance Brought Forward Balance Forward
BEP Batch Expired Stock Processed Batch Expired Stock
BEX Batch Expiry Date Update Batch Date Upd
CAC Cancel COD Credit Note Cancel COD
CCS Credit return stock entry Credit Return
CCX Credit Return - Linked Company Linked Credit
CIG Cash In (general as maybe mixture) Cash
CIQ Cheque In (Open Cheque) Cash Cheque
CND Credit Note Direct (Purchase order syste Credit Note
CPD Cash payment by standing order/direct de Cash
CPN Cash Payment Nominal ledger Cash
CPP Cash Payment Purchase Ledger Cash
CPS Cash Payment Sales ledger Cash
CRD Credit note (sales side) direct Credit Note
CRO Credit note sales order system Credit Note
CRQ Cheque Returned (Open Cheque) Returned Cheque
CSP Cash split by Cash Matching Cash Split
DSC Settlement Discount on Cash Match Settlement Discount
DTI Depot Transfer In Dep Tran In
DTO Depot Transfer Out Dep Tran Out
EPC EPOS Credit Return Credit Return
FAA Fixed Asset Acquisition Asset Acquisition
FAD Fixed asset Disposal Asset Disposal
FAM Fixed Asset Depreciation Asset Depreciation
FAS Fixed Asset sale Asset Sale
GIN Goods received Goods In
GRV Goods In Reversal Goods Reverse
IAD Interim Adjustment Automatic Adjustment
IND Purchase Invoice (direct) Invoice
INP Purchase Invoice (from order system) Invoice
ISP Invoice Split during Cash Matching Split Invoice
IWO Interim Write Off Write Off
JNL Journal Adjustment
MCN Member Credit Note Sales Credit
MCR Member Credit Return Return
MIN Member Invoice Sales Invoice
MQP Multi-Line Cash Payment Cash Payment
MQR Multi-Line Cash Receipt Cash Receipt
MXP Cross Ccy. Multi-Line Cash Payment Cash Payment
MXR Cross Ccy. Multi-Line Cash Receipt Cash Receipt
NEG Negative Stock Adjustment Negative Stock
NLA Nominal Ledger Adjustment Adjustment
POR Purchase Order Purchase Order
POS Transaction raised in EPOS system Counter Sale
RCS Purchase Return Despatch PR Desp
RNA Return Note (Purchase Order System) Return
RSP Credit Note/Return split by cash matchin Split Return
SAD Stock Increment Stock Increment
SCS Sales Order cost of sale entry Cost of Sale
SCX Cost Of Sale - Inter Company Cost Of Sale(X)
SIN Sales invoice direct Invoice
SOI Sale order Invoice Invoice
SOR Sales Order Sales Order
SRG Sales return goods received Sales Return
STA Paper Statement Charge Statement Charge
STF Stock Transfer Stock Transfer
SWO Stock Write Off Stock Write Off
TLB Transfer Liability to Third Party Xfer Liability
TSP Transaction split by cash matching Split Transaction
WKO Works Order Works Order
XCH Exchange difference write off Exchange Difference
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