Unmatched Transactions

Unmatched Transactions

Agility checks that matched transactions do = 0 and from time to time you can get the message UNMATCHED TRANSACTIONS appearing when you log in.
Follow these steps to rectify:

This is telling you that there are transactions which did not = 0 and therefore have been unmatched.
These could be sales (s) or purchases (p)

When the message appears:
Select the Yes button this will give you a list of what need rectifying.

as this will remove them from the screen and you will not be able to resolve.

Select Export so you have a list of the transactions normally the matchref number
Now go down row by row and double click on each row to see which transactions have been unmatched
You can also export the grid also which I would recommend for records name it by the matchref
Once exported select exit
Now do this for each row until you have a compete list
Now go back into agility and match the transactions again
Once all have done log off agility and now log back in so the message appears and select MARK AS READ once ALL have been completed.

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