Agility gives the option on stock codes to be assigned as a warranty item.

If this is used then when this item is sold certain information needs to be gathered to enable the searching for the warranty item if returned.


In the stock screen select Analysis2 tab

Warranty: Enter the amount of months the warranty is valid for

Name/Address: This should always be ticked as it helps when searching for the code if returned

Mandatory Warrant Data: From the drop down menu select what information needs to be gathered at the point of sale. This cannot be done afterwards.

On the name and address gather as much information as possible as this helps in the searching for the product afterwards.


Now if the customer returns the item under warranty this can be searched for by going to:

This returns a screen where the item can be searched for.

Date Range: This screen lets the user search by the date range and all warranty records will be seen

Stock Code: Search for the stock code to reduce the amount of transactions

Name: Self Explanatory

TelNo: Self Explanatory

Address: Self Explanatory

The above fields can contain a wild card * to aid in the search e.g. Andy *

Once the search criteria has been entered press search.

Show Invoice: Self Explanatory

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