Year End Stock Take

Year End Stock Take

Agility Pro has a stock taking feature – year end stock take. It is designed to simplify the year end stock take process by making it much more automated.

Before you begin the Year End Stock Take, it is good practice to checyour financial periods. This can be found in Nominal\Financial Periods\Period End Dates. Check the Current Year End date, as this is what will come up in the Year End Stock Take Date field. 

If your accounts have been completed for the current Year End, then please close down all open months. If they are not closed, then the Current Year End date will not be correct/what youre expecting.

R is for Returned Stock and S is for Standard Stock. X is for Depot Transfer, and B is for Batch Tracked Items.

To access the year end stock take go to Stock\Adjustments\Stock Take, the below form will be displayed 

When you first open this above screen, most buttons are greyed out/disabled. They will enable once the Stock Take has begun.

Start Take

To start a take you must first complete the fields at the top of the screen.


    Depot – depot for stock take

    Stock Type – Type of stock to be counted

Year End Stock take Date – this is set by default to the last day of the current financial year. It can be set earlier if the stock take is being carried out at an earlier date. Note that when the adjustments are posted the system  will use this date for all postings to the accounts.

Having entered these fields press ‘Start Take’

You will be asked to confirm the date. Press Yes if correct

Then confirm depot

You may get the following message if the current year end has not been closed down which has been mentioned earlier. Please refer to Closing Periods and Year End documentation.

and finally stock type. You will then this message

and the screen will refresh

Note that the depot , stock type and stock take dates are now disabled. You will not be able to start another year end stock take until this one has been completed.

Wireless Scanner

Manual Take

To enter a manual stock take click on the Manual Take button

Stock may be entered either by keying in stock codes line by line or by pressing the search button and selecting multiple codes.

Individual Items Enter the stock code in the first field of the grid and press Enter. The system will fill the grid with information and move the cursor to the counted field for you to input the number counted

Enter the count and move on to the next item.

Timber Items

Note that unlike the standard stock take system you can select timber and batch tracked items in a manual stock take. In this example we will select all timber items in the system. Click on the Search button

Select White Deal from the Cat/Man field and press Search

Press ‘Select All’ for all items or select individual items and then press ‘Select’. 

Items recognised as held by the length will be displayed in red. In this example WDRS10019 although in the red deal category has not been set up as a timber itemTo enter the lengths you must use the ‘Timber Qty’ button at the top of the screen

To enter lengths for the last item click on this button to display

and enter the counted lengths. Press ‘Save’ to record these

and the quantity will automatically bupdated in the grid. To change the counted quantity just press ‘Timber Qty’ again and amend.

You can delete a line using the ‘Delete Line’ button and start again using the ‘Clear Stock Take’ button. To save you must first enter a description and then press ‘Save Stock Take’

Batch Tracked Items

Batch tracked items as with timber are also highlighted when entered. 

Again you can only update the quantity by clicking on the ‘Batch Qty’ button

Note that if in counting you find a batch that is not in the system you must increment the batch manually. Press save to update the count

As each stock take is completed it is added to the main grid on the year end stock take screen

Adjust/Query Stock Takes

The total value for each stock take is recorded against each line and the total at the bottom of the grid. This is maintained at all times adjusting if the counted quantity is changed or even if the buy price in the system is changed.

Display take click on this button to see the detail behind a stock take

You can amend the count on this screen by clicking on the ‘Amend Qty’ button and you will then be shown either the timber, batch or individual stock item qty screen. In this case it is a timber screen

There is also an option to restrict the display to just those items for which no stock has been counted. This is particularly useful after the merge phase.

Search By Stock if clicked this button allows you to display all takes in the system containing the entered stock code.

In this case we are looking for takes including stock code EFS.

Only stock take three includes this code

Merge Takes

When all stock has been counted all the counts should be merged into one count. This is done in one go by pressing the ‘Merge Takes’ button

Press Yes to continue

This can be a lengthy process as the system will also add an entry for an stock item recorded in the system which has not been included in any stock take. It will automatically be given a count value of zero.

When completed the main screen will now only show take  number 999 with all the items in the take and the total value. You can still amend quantities if you so wish. 


Press this button when you are sure that the valuation is ready to be applied. From version 7.6 onwards you can print a report from the front screen that will give you an estimated value on application. This is based on current stock values and cannot be 100% accurate as where stock is written down the stock is picked on a FIFO (First In First Out) basis.

On pressing this button the system will run through all stock items and adjust levels as per counted levels. 


This function is available from version 7.5 and allows you to re-open a stock take say in the event that you have forgotten to count a section. This will re-open the stock take and allow you to drill down on each item that needs re-counting and to adjust the quantities. When all changes have been made press the apply button again.

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