Agility Pro Release Notes 2023

Agility Pro Release Notes 2023

Agility Pro Release Notes 2023

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 32

Fix to enable MQP payment types in BACS 
Fix when copying a promotion

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 30

Stock Items can now be removed from the Margin Calendar:

When Importing a Purchase Order, if cost is excluded from the import file the import routine will set the cost to the default cost of each item.

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 29

Department Mandatory option added to Stock tab of Tools-Tools Menu-Companies-System Parameters- Additional System Parameters:

The restore sale screen (accessed from the till screen using CTRL+R) now sorts in descending date order

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 24

Amendment to standard templates will need to be done for the below to work.

Previously, when the Print Unpriced tick box was used at Point of Sale - any subsequent reprints or viewings of the invoice would also be unpriced:

Now this only print unpriced at Point of Sale if selected, and an option has been added to the reprint screen to Print Unpriced now:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 17

Searching by Barcode in the Purchase Order Search screen now works as intended:

Prommt SMS message has been enhanced to now include the 3D Secure Info.

On some deliveries, an Incorrect quantity message would appear and it would not be possible to process the delivery. This has now been resolved.

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 16

On the rare occasion Agility Pro crashes when taking an integrated card payment (for example internet connection issue), and the transaction goes through the integrated card machine. Once Agility Pro has been restarted, and Ctrl+R can be used from the till screen to restore the sale and then put it through non-integrated. (this also works for cash payments):

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 12 Gen 15

Option added to search by Serial number in collections, this is for the repair facility that can be used via the collections:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 11 Gen 17

Security has been added to Group Access Rights, under Sales - 'Quotes - override discount check'. If set to True it will now prompt the user if they want to carry across discounts when switching quotes from account to cash, or account to account, or cash to account. If set to False, the discounts will not carry across and no prompt will appear

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 11 Gen 15

Security added to allow authorisation to sell negative stock if the below parameter is set
Set via Edit Groups:

And then create a new reason code for this:

Appears like this when trying to sell negative stock:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 11 Gen 7

Third parameter added to prevent stock codes being sold if there is no stock available, instead of just a warning. Scanning a barcode will override this feature, but will prevent any other method of sale or via a quote of the stock level is zero or negative.

This can be set in EPOS System Parameters:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 11 Gen 4

When saving a quote from the till screen, there is now a prompt asking if you want to open the quotation. Saying Yes to this prompt will take you to the quote in the quote screen, to allow you to continue editing the quote:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 28

Insight can now be accessed via Agility Pro using the Insight button on the shortcut bar:

When first clicking the above button, you will be prompted to add the Insight URL. Send a ticket to the helpdesk to get this URL if you do not know it

New security added to restrict access to the Credit tab in Customer Details:
If this is set to True:

Then the credit tab will not be accessible:

Note that Allow Cust Details Tabs needs to be set to True for the above to work:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 28

EiTrax button added to AIM screen

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 20

Option added to switch between ascending and descending when clicking the column header in the Margin Calendar.

When an invoice is generated for B2B from the Goods Received screen, a note is appended that states:  'Supplied Directly By Supplier Under Delivery Note: XXXXXX'

When searching for a stock code, the Retry as Supplier Code pop up will only appear if the search exists as a supplier code.

If a product is sold with warranty as a cash sale and sent to delivery, it will now record and store the 

Prior to the latest releases of Agility Pro the software on a refund would create an entry in stock as a negative entry. So for example if I have 20 in stock

Transaction Date      Quantity Received      Quantity Remaining      Value per item Total Value

1-jul-2023                             20                              20                              10                  200

then we sell 5

1-jul-2023                              20                              15                              10                 150

two are credited a day later

2-jul                                         -2                              -2                               10                  -20

we buy some more

4 Jul 2023                            20                                   20                              10.50            105

then we sell 20

The old version would take the remaining from the original booked in (15) left plus 5 from those booked in on 4th Jul. Total cost would be 202.50

This is not really correct as the two items credited back into stock are ignored. The real cost is 17 @€10 + 3 @ €10.5  = 201.50.

In the latest version of 2023 this is resolved  to give the correct cost. This happens overnight where any negative stock entries are reduced to zero if there is sufficient stock. So the actual stock levels will remain the same but there will almost certainly be an adjustment to stock value. 

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 17

If a refund is associated, it will show on the tally receipt:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 13

The system will prompt if a product on promotion and allow user to take that price. Also checks if user changes price and when they open again. If not changed the colour will be magenta when you click on line - clicking on the ON PROMOTION NOW label will again allow you to change price.

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 12

Added option in Browse Stock to only show stocked items when searching 

Direct Debits – customer details. New field to determine day of month to be run on or day of week depending on frequency. Note Day of month goes up to 28 and then to 31. 31 means last day of the month.

For the above You must update existing customers to the day you want.

Run Direct Debits – Layout Button added. New columns Invoice Date and terms. New Show Invoice button

Increment Stock and Write Off Stock. Option to add note to give more detail as to why stock adjusted.

New security Display Stock Notes Only added to restrict users to only being able to view notes.

Browse Stock: New Ecommerce columns for category, p/group, p/type and brand added to grid. If select for web only new option to search by e-commerce attributes.

Bulk update – now supports update for ecommerce category, p/group/ p/type and brand

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 8

Stock Search/Details/Purchase Orders now has Notes option for PO

Stock search Mini (EPOS) now has Activity button - must be switched on through security

Goods In - now has stock activity button - must be switched on through security

Goods In shows value of PO (if option switched on in security)

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 7

Changed B2B quotes so clicking on the column header B2B it will ask you if you want to set all items in the sale to B2B. You can now undo specific items if they are not to go B2B 

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 7 Gen 2

Changed account button colour on EPOS screen, for better visibility 

Added security to disable Function key buttons on EPOS screen:

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 4 Gen 5
Notes that are added to stock codes via Stock Item Maintenance-Stock Analysis  now print on tally receipts:

In stock maintenance another three options added for warrnty where name and address is not mandatory

The warranty enquiry screen will now allow search by serial number and/or model no. If these are entered the software will search across all dates.

Agility Pro Version 2023 Build 2 Gen 3 Release Notes
New parameter in additional system parameters (purchase) Create Debit Note on Return. By default, debit notes are created when goods are despatched back to the supplier. If this is selected the debit is created immediately on saving the purchase return. (ticket #55614)

Purchase Returns to create debit note if above parameter set. Displays message that this has been done with the debit note number.
The alter command on nominal details from Browse nominal allows a user to amend the nominal code that the line has been posted to.
Two restictions
The nominal code being amended must be a P&L account and it can only be amended to another P&L account. 
The period for the transaction must still be open.

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