SALES - Creating and Editing Customer Records

SALES - Creating and Editing Customer Records


Depending on the business type there may be a requirement to create a debtors account. 

There are multiple tabs each having different features to help manage the debtors listing involving credit rules, discounts and how statements are produced to name a few.

To do this go to:

Sales>Ledger Maintenance>Customer Details

There are many other options for customers and information added as times goes on or links to other documents.


When the screen opens this is where the user can create or edit a customer and the first tab is accounting.

Here are a list of the fields in the accounting tab but not all are required on creating a new customer.
Code, Name, Address are required and country, currency and default nominal will automatically be added as the system default.
Once the above are added either press the NEW or CLOSE button to save the details and then other tabs can be completed when required.
NEW - Keeps the customer screen open to add more customers
CLOSE - Closes the customer screen
When either of the above are selected for the first time when creating a customer the following box appears

This is confirming that the default currency, country and nominal are to be save if so select Continue with save if not abandon and add manually
To find a customer right mouse click on the search glass and type the name if account number is not known

There are many other options for customers and information added as times goes on or links to other documents.

Code – Unique code can be Alpha, Numeric or Alpha/Numeric - Needed to create a customer 

Name – Business Name - Needed to create a customer

Address – Self Explanatory - Needed to create a customer

Delivery Instructions - Where does this appear?
VAT Registration No. - Self Explanatory
Country – If not the default country then on will need to be set up in Agility
Currency – If not the default country then on will need to be set up in Agility
NOTE: When saving a new customer the default country and currency will automatically be added
VAT Exempt - ONLY FOR ROI - When are these not grayed?
EC Exempt - When are these not grayed?
Settlement Discount % - Applies a discount if customer pays outstanding invoices in number of days after statement
Days - Number of days for the above discount to be applied
Company registration No. - Self Explanatory
Default Nominal - When saving for the first time this will automatically populate with P50000
NOTE: The default Nominal is no longer used by the software.
Min Order - How does this work?
Standing Invoice Template - What is this?
Statement Type - Normally set to Balance Brought Forward BBFWD
Statement Documents - Not listed like this but next to the email statement tick box is a drop down menu. Select documents for printing\emailing

Profile – This is specific to a customer but best practice is to create a customer type and add in analysis tab.

Exception Price Card – This is specific prices for this customer only and can have an end date - More information Later

Price Band – Defaults to 1 on saving for the first time but there are other bands available if required

Email Statement – If customer wants there statements emailed need to add email address in web\email tab

Override Statement Paper Charge – If paper charge is enabled and this is ticked a charge will not be applied when the statement is ran.

Principal Contractor – Skip Hire – Only applicable if business operates hiring skips

Override Minimum Statement Level – Statements will only run if the aged debt is over a specific value and this can be edited. More detail in the statements article above.

Print PROMMT URL on statement – Prommt is a third party software that removes taking credit card payments over the phone and the statement will have the URL where the customer can make a payment.

Default Deliver Address Number – Additional addresses can be added via the OPTIONS button in the top left corner


Customer Notes - New??

Statement Address - You can have a different statement address to the address in Accounting Tab - 
NOTE: No longer here

Add a Delivery Address - Self-Explanatory

Edit Delivery Address - Self-Explanatory

Delete Contact - Self-Explanatory

Delete Record - Can only do this if there are no transactions associated to the account

Sales Order Defaults - Add default notes - What does this do??

Suspend Customer - Self-Explanatory - Reason Codes need to be created for these

Reinstate Customer - Self-Explanatory - Reason Codes need to be created for these

Customer Site - A customer may have different locations they are working and they can be set here and then used through the tills


Here you will add the contacts details of the business


Sales Area Code

This is for reporting and can be set up in: Tools>Tools Menu>Companies>Analysis and Reporting Codes>Area codes

Customer Type

Apply discounts by types

Stock Type

Default by system – S normally

Parent A/C

Can link this account to Parent Account

Inv to Parent

Invoices raised will be sold to Parent

Default Depot

Default by system – MAIN normally

Default Salesman

Salesman associated to the account


Recycling number

Herd Professional user Number

DAFM-registered professional - Sprays

Open Cheque A/C

Only used if they use open cheques

Disallow Direct Sales Invoice


Gift Card

No longer used

Credit Tab

Credit Limit – Self-Explanatory
Grace Amount – Self-Explanatory
Terms(days) - Self-Explanatory
Grace Days - Self-Explanatory
Insurance Limit - Information to follow
Credit From - Normally set to Invoice

No. Sig. Price - More information to follow but is connected with signature pads

Credit on Hold - Tick this to put the account on hold

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