Purchases - Importing A Purchase Order

Purchases - Importing A Purchase Order


Some suppliers may send a csv file so that the user can import a Purchase Order.
This has to be a new PO


It is possible to import a purchase order from a csv file.
This process almost always follows the export of the PO first.
To that end the export process will be covered in this section at the same time.
You may wish to check with a supplier stock availability and pricing prior to raising a PO.
This button allows you to export a PO to email to a supplier for them to confirm these details.
Column Headers, Blank Row Stock code, Description, Case Type, Quantity and Cost there is a dummy field

On pressing the Export button the standard Microsoft File Control screen is displayed to determine where the file is to be saved.
The file is automatically named as POXXXX where XXXX is the purchase order number.
You can amend this if you want.

You will then be asked two questions
a.       Use Supplier Stock Codes: This will be more meaning ful to the supplier. It should only be used however if you are confident that you have all supplier codes in the system.
b.       Export Unit Cost: You may wish to click No to yes as you may be looking for the supplier to give you costs


Once the file has been returned open a new purchase order and enter the supplier code.
If you are importing a file previously exported, you must first open the file in Excel and DELETE the blank line between the column headers and the first line of the purchase header.
This line was inserted to make the file more readable for the supplier.
You can also delete the column headers if you want.

Open a PO and log in with the eposid of the user.
Select the supplier account
Now select the import button and navigate to the location of the file:

Select each field and press the single arrow to move over these have to be in the exact order as the file.
The format of your file needs to be StockCode, CaseType, Quantity, BuyPrice

When finished click OK. The system will validate that you have selected Stock Code, Quantity and Cost.
If you leave out Case Type you will be warned that the default case type will be used.

If there is a description then either delete this or add a DUMMYFIELD between stkckCode, DUMMYFIELD, CASETYPE, Quantity, BuyPrice
Remember to tick the box ignore column headers if you have some

NOTE: As this is a CSV file - Comma Separated Values this means that there can be NO , in the file.
Also, remember that if File is selected the format can be saved for importing the PO's in the future for this supplier.

The import process does not support volume or fashion stock codes and if any are found these will be skipped.
Any other errors on import will be highlighted after the import.
Examples of errors include
a.       Suspended or Closed stock items
b.       Invalid Case Types
c.       Invalid Quantities or Unit Cost i.e. negative or contain alpha characters


When a file is imported it will be seen in the grid:

The file that is being imported has 17 rows yet only 10 are visible
The import process does not support volume or fashion stock codes and if any are found these will be skipped.
Any other errors on import will be highlighted after the import.
Examples of errors include
a.       Suspended or Closed stock items
b.       Invalid Case Types
c.       Invalid Quantities or Unit Cost i.e. negative or contain alpha characters

if there are issues then agility will show the following message box:

Select YES to view the issues

Scroll to the right to see the error messages here there are a fewe:
Invalid Case type
Invalid Stock Code
Buy Price lower.....
You have the option now by using the Apply Price Changes button to amend the system price if you so desire

If, the user does not want to use the PO select CLEAR button and say NO to saving a temporary copy.


New stock codes CANNOT be imported these must be added through the standard ways.

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