Purchases - Browse Orders

Purchases - Browse Orders


After creating Purchase Orders the enquiry screen allows the user to browse these. From this screen it is possible to drill down more information and also according to user permissions to carry out certain actions.


The default purchase order screen look like this:

In the above example the user has pressed the Search button using the default search criteria.
These are the date fields which are always set to the current date and one month ago.
This is to prevent long running queries that might impact performance being accidently started. Other search criteria that can be entered are as follows
  1. PO No. If entered the Purchase Order information will be returned irrespective of any other search criteria.
  2. Depot: Display only Purchase Orders raised in the selected depot
  3. Supplier: Display only Purchase Orders for the selected supplier
  4. Name: Use to search by supplier name. Enter all or any part of the supplier name.
  5. Order Placed After; By default, one month prior to current date
  6. Order Placed Before: By default, set to the current date.
  7. Value Greater Than: Display only purchase orders with a total value greater than that entered
  8. Value Less Than: Display only purchase orders with a total value less than the value entered
  9. Raised By: Enter the user id to select Purchase Orders raised by this user. As this is a password field the actual characters entered are converted to asterixis
  10. B2B Customer: Display only Purchase Orders raised through Point of Sale as Back to Back Orders for the selected customer. 

Article needs created

The next set of criteria will search the actual content of the Purchase Order for specific stock codes
  1. Stock Code: Display only Purchase Orders that include the specified stock code
  2. Description: Display only Purchase Orders that include stock with the entered description. Enter any part of the description or part of individual words to search on.
  3. Category: Display only Purchase Orders with stock codes with the stock category selected
  4. Product Group: Display only Purchase Orders with stock codes with the stock product group selected
  5. Product Type: Display only Purchase Orders with stock codes with the stock product type selected
  6. Barcode: Display only Purchase Orders with stock that have the entered barcode. (Use the adjoining field to search by part of the barcode)
  7. Types: You can further restrict the search to only include
    1. All Stock: This imposes no additional restrictions and is the default
    2. B2B only: Only Back To Back Purchase Orders will be displayed
    3. Late Deliveries: Only Purchase Orders that are late i.e. goods in still outstanding after the expected delivery date on the Purchase Order.
    4. Late Deliveries (Stk Req): Only Purchase Orders that are late and include stock with stock requirements. Stock - Stock Requirements
By Default the search will only look for open Purchase Orders. This can be amended by selecting one of the following additional options

  1. PO Return: The selection will be restricted to Purchase Returns rather than Purchase Orders. All other search criteria (where applicable) will be applied
  2. Draft Orders: Only draft orders will be displayed
  3. Include Closed Orders: The search will also include closed orders
  4. Cancelled PO: Only cancelled Purchase Orders will be displayed

Actions: The following actions can be taken from this screen by pressing the following buttons:

Search: Press this button to search the system for all Purchase Orders (Returns) that match the search criteria you have entered. The number of records found will be displayed in the Orders Found field.
Details: Press this button to display a list of all lines on the Purchase Order.

This screen comprises a header with information about the order and a grid with every line in the order.
You can scroll along the grid to see more information.
There are a number of further actions that you can take from this screen

Supplier Codes: Click this button to open up the following screen

The supplier code field can be edited to enter the supplier’s own code for the item on the purchase order.
Click on the Cancel or Save buttons at the top of the screen when you have finished.

Breakdown: This is only applicable to volume stock such as timber. Click on the first line of the PO in the example to display

Receipts: Click on this button to show details of all stock booked in for the PO.

If you have the EiTrax document management software, you may click on the Show Goods In button to display the scanned Delivery Note.
Close Receipts for Line: If the PO has only ben part shipped you may know that no more stock is to be received. Click the is button and the following question is asked:

Press Yes to close all part shipped lines. The PO will no longer stay open waiting for receipt of the non-delivered stock.

If you press No you will then be asked about the specific line your cursor is on

Press Yes to close the current line against further receipts.

The UP/DOWN arrows will take you automatically to the next/previous Purchase Order
Cancel Order: Click this button to cancel a Purchase Order. You cannot cancel a Purchase Return as stock will have already been moved. You cannot cancel a Purchase Order if stock has been booked in (even if stock has been booked in and then reversed out). Cancelled Orders can be displayed by using the Show cancelled Orders option in the search criteria.
Close Order: A purchase order will automatically close when all items on the order have been booked in and invoiced. However, there will be occasions when this stock will not be delivered or alternatively over-delivered. In this case you will need to Close the order. This will change the status of the order to Closed and also post any adjustments required to the Nominal Accounts.

You may need to re-open a closed order e.g. the item is unexpectantly delivered. To do this select the closed PO and click on the Close Order button. You will be asked if you are sure you wish to close the order. Reply Yes and you will then see the following message

Click Yes to open again. 
Note that for both Cancel Order and Close Order you can select multiple orders at the same time by clicking on the left hand of the grid.
The line will go blue. When you press Cancel or Close Order all selected lines will be processed at the same time

Ass. Invoices: Click this button to display details of any invoices processed for the Purchase Order.
In our example the first invoice has a status of Awaiting Invoice. However, by clicking details we have seen that although some items have been invoiced some are waiting to be booked in and invoiced. The following screen is displayed

If you have EiTrax document management software integrated you can double-click on the line to view the scanned invoice
Ass. Returns: Click this button to display details of any credits processed for the purchase return.  As above if you have EiTrax you can display the scnned credit note.
History: Click this button to see a history of who and when this PO has been amended. This screen will also display if the PO has been printed and if emailed the email address used

Open PO: Click this button to Open the Purchase Order. This will automatically open the Purchase Order screen with details of the PO you have selected. Note that you can only open a Draft Po (Status of New).
Copy PO: Click this button to open the Purchase Order screen with a copy of items on the selected Purchase Order.
Goods In: Click this button to open the Goods In screen for the selected PO. The Purchase Order must be finalised and not closed
Authorise: You can authorise Purchase Orders using this button. Only draft orders can be authorised. This button will also be disabled if you do not have permission to authorise purchase orders. The last PO in our example is draft so we can select this button for that PO.

Click Yes to authorise the PO and Print/Email the PO. Note that is the supplier is restricted to specified buyers and you are not one of these you will not be permitted to authorise the PO.

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