Purchases - Credit Notes For Returns

Purchases - Credit Notes For Returns


Now the supplier has collected the goods and now sent a Credit note which now needs to be recorded in Agility Professional.


This screen processes the return linking it to the original Purchase Return. 

For our example we will be processing a credit note for the return we raised in the last chapter. Enter the Supplier code (or use look up) and then enter your Purchase Return number (or use look up). If you know the purchase return number, you can enter this immediately without entering the supplier first.

The details of the purchase return will be displayed together with the expected value of the credit note.  If you need to edit any line double-click on the line (or click on Options and select Edit Line)

You can change the Quantity, Amount , VAT Rate or Vat Amount on this screen to match the credit note from the supplier

Once you have entered confirmed all details match the credit note save the credit note by either clicking on
  1. New: to save  and clear the screen for a new credit note
  2. Close: to save and close the screen
You will be prompted as follows

If you Click yes 

If you click Yes  then

Record this number on the credit not which will help in future searches.

If a Debit Note is associated to this purchase return the debit notes details will be updated to reflect the receipt of the credit note.

Credit from A Supplier in the Buying Group. In exactly the same way as a Purchase Order to a supplier in the buying group results in an invoice from the Buying Group, a Purchase Return raised with a supplier in the Buying Group will result in a credit note from the Buying Group. 

Options: Click on the Options button for many options
  1. Add Items from Another Return: Select this option if the credit note relates to more than one purchase return
  2. Add Charge: Select this option is a charge is being credited.
  3. Edit Line: This is the same process as described in Purchases - Invoices and Buying Groups
  4. Delete Line: Deletes a line from the credit note
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