Purchases - Remittance Advice Slip

Purchases - Remittance Advice Slip


When paying suppliers a remittance advice slip is printed or emailed at the time of payment so the suplier knows which invoices and credits have been processed.


This normally is printed or emailed at the time but this does depend on the setting in printers.

Navigate to File - Printing - Printer Set Up - Remittance Advice

Select this to see the printer settings assigned

If set to Use Queue then ALL remittances will be in the queue. 
If, print immediate is selected then this will physically print the slip and also email if this has been set up to do so. 
Ensure that Crystal is selected and the correct template from the drop down.
Also, Copies needs to be set to 1 and not 0.

To access the print queue navigate to File - Printing - Print Queue 
This screen will open

The user can filter by document types on the left.
Select Remittance Advices
Select the one required and then select Print Selected button
If, a document is there and the user selects the Print selected button the following message is seen

Answer accordingly.


If, print immediate is selected and the emailing has been set up for this then an email will be sent.
Se below articles on how to do this and where to view.


It is possible to reprint a remittance advice and to do this the user will need to navigate to the supplier account to find the tranref number.
Navigate to Purchases - Browse Suppliers - Search for the supplier
Select the details button
Under trntype looking for CASH, Credit Card etc.
In column Txn. Ref record this number

If, set to queue then it will be there to print or email - See section above,

Now that the user has the TXN. REFERENCE navigate to File - Printing - Reprint

From the drop down menu select document type
Enter the number recorded and press OK

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