Stock - Stock Item Maintenance

Stock - Stock Item Maintenance


There are different ways to create a stock codes in agility professional; create a code through POS, raising a Purchase Order, browse suppliers and select a button Stock Quick Set Up and by going to Stock\Ledger Maintenance\Stock Item Maintenance\Stock Items or by selecting the shortcut on the menu.

From this screen codes can also be created and there are four tabs required:
Accounting, Supply, Buy Price and Pricing (Sale Price) 
In each of these there is much information but only what states required is mandatory for creating a code.
Select the links to go to different TABS.

Stock Maintenance

The below screen opens:

The screen works on TABS like many screens in Agility.


The buttons NEW and CLOSE will give the user options to save or cancel the changes. 
There is a difference between these buttons:
NEW button keeps the above screen open so further codes can created or edited.
CLOSE will close the screen.
One of these will need to be selected to SAVE the new code or any edits.


Before moving on to explain the tabs there is a button called options in the top left of the form and an icon showing a folder and search glass.  

When the OPTIONS button is selected the following information is seen:

When a code is open in the form the Copy to New Stock Item can be used. This will take the information like supplier, cased types, price, category, group and types etc. so that these do not need to be added. The only thing to do is to create a new code and change the description to reflect the new code.
Delete Stock Item - This can ONLY be used if no Purchases or Sales have been done for the code.

NOTE: The user cannot copy a service item code and to delete a code there must be no movements against it. i.e sales, purchases etc.

Stock Enquiry

The folder is the Stock Enquiry form

This screens gives a snapshot of the stock levels and value.
The buttons are self explanatory when selected. If, further information is required please let us know to enhance.

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