Upgrading AgilityPro

Upgrading AgilityPro

On every PC running Agility Pro, you will need to do the following:

1. Before starting - If Agility Pro  is open, then close Agility Pro:

2. On the desktop there will be a folder called Agility Upgrade, open the folder:

3. Double click on the file called Agility Rollout:

3a. If the below error message appears, it means Agility Pro is still open. Close Agility Pro, and re-run the Agility Rollout

4. The below messages will appear, stating that Agility Pro is being updated:

5. Once the final message stating Agility Pro is now the latest version appears, you can open Agility Pro as normal:

6. If, when opening Agility Pro for the first time, Unexpected error; quitting appears, please see the Unexpected error; quitting article 

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