EPOS - Cash Up

EPOS - Cash Up


Agility Pro allows for cashing up of tills, with the option to add a float and print out a cash up summary.

Cashing Up

Click Cash up Till

Count the physical money in the till, and input the amount of each denomination into the Amount column on the left side:

If any Cheques have been taken, click on the confirm button and input the amount from each Cheque. If not cheques taken, leave the Total Cheques field blank.

Click on the Confirm button next to the Total Credit Cards field:

For Integrated Credit Cards, the amounts will show with the total amount at the bottom. Click Accept to continue, Decline to return to the cash up screen or Print to print a tally receipt showing the Credit Card Total:


Print out of Credit Card Totals


Now move on to the right hand side, and input how much you are keeping in the till for the Float and confirm that the total Float amount is correct. The Float amount cannot be more than the total amount that is in the till. And there cannot be a denomination in the float that is not in the till. For example, in the below example there could not be a 10 in the Float as there was not a 10 in the till:

The Cash up date can also be changed from here, this may be put into a day in the past. For example if cashing up was not possible on that day, and needed to be done the next day.

If you are happy to proceed, click on OK:

The Cash Up session totals screen will appear. The System total column is how much the software Agility Pro has counted to have been taken. The Counted Total is how much you the user has counted:

In the above example, it can be seen that 162.40 was counted in cash, and 35 from credit cards, giving a total of 197.40. The change of 2.40 was used as the Float, leaving 160 cash and 35 credit card to bank (total of 195).

The below example shows how the figures appear if too much money has been counted, You can cancel and re-count/cash up again, or click OK and write off the diffference:

If too little is counted, it would appear like this:

A note can be added to this cash up by clicking the Note button. Input the Note and then click the Exit button to save the note:

To finalise the cash up, click OK or click Cancel to return to the cash up screen and edit any mistakes:

After click OK, you will be prompted to confirm the amount you are banking and the amount (if any) you are writing off. Click Yes to proceed:

A cash up receipt will print out and the cash up is now done (the below screenshot is split into 4, but it will print as one receipt):

Explanation of Z Report EPOS - CASH UP Z Report Explanation
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