Stock - Batch Tracked Item

Stock - Batch Tracked Item


In Agility the user can create stock codes that function different to standard an one of these is Batched Tracked Item.
A batched tracked item could be medicine, feeds, fertilisers etc where the numbers need to be recorded.
In addition to this these can also have expiry dates where the product needs to be used by.


Creating one of these codes is very simple and is purely 2 tick boxes in the Stock Item Maintenance Screen
When the user is in the screen, irrelevant of tabs, 2 tick boxes; Track Batched Number and Batch Expiry Date

When saving the code a message will warn that the item is batched tracked does the user want to proceed.
Batch can be purely a number but expiry dates need to be recorded where required.

NOTE: If, the product is a Professional Pesticide Product then when the tick box Track Batch Numbers in the Analysis2 Tab this flag also needs to be ticked


There is no difference to this than any other product the difference is in the Goods In and Sales.


When the user goes to receive the batched tracked item into stock depending on which tick boxes have been used will depend on what has to be recorded against the product.
This example has both ticked.
See KB for Goods In: Purchases - Goods In
In the example there are 100 items being brough into stock.

Follow the kb on receiving different quantities this example ALL is being received.
When the saved button is pressed the following screen appears:

Here the user records the batch number against the quantity being received and can change the expiry date accordingly.
When the user enters different quantities the screen look like this:

The expiry date defaults to 6 months from the current date.
Once all quantities have been recorded the user will be asked to Finish the process.

NOTE: Selling batched items will be in another KB to follow'

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