Purchases - Invoices Direct

Purchases - Invoices Direct


Invoices are of course also received from suppliers that are not because of a purchase order. For example – utility bills, rent, ad-hoc expenses etc. The invoices direct screen is used to enter this type of invoice.


Go to Purchases - Invoices and Credit Notes - Invoice Direct

The following fields can be entered on this screen
  1. Supplier: This is mandatory. Either enter the account code if you know it or use the look up to select the supplier
  2. Inv. No.: The supplier’s invoice number
  3. Date: The date of the invoice. Unless the invoice is dated in a period that has been closed this field must be the invoice date.
  4. Invoice Date: By default, always set to the value in the Date field. Should only be used if a period has been closed and it is impossible to set the transaction date to the actual invoice date.
  5. Department: Select a department if this invoice is to be posted in the Nominals to a specific Department.
  6. Cost Centre: Select a cost centre if this invoice is to be posted in the Nominals to a specific Cost Centre.
  7. Depot: Enter the depot to which this invoice applies. When the screen opens it will be pre-set to your default Depot
  8. Site Ref: Enter the site reference to which this invoice applies. When the screen opens it will be pre-set to you default Site Reference.
  9. Query Ref: Select a query reference if this invoice is being queried with the supplier.
  10. Settlement Discount: Will be set automatically to any settlement discounts recorded for the supplier. Otherwise you can enter or edit these yourself
There are three buttons that can be pressed on this screen
  1. Item: Click this button to open the following screen]

  1. Department: Use this field if you wish to select a department for an individual line
  2. Cost Centre: Use this field if you wish to select a cost centre for an individual line
  3. Cost Split: Use this field if this invoice is to be split across multiple cost centres. For example, 10% cost centre A, 30% cost centre B, 25% cost centre C and 35% cost centre D. 
  4. Description: Free text for a description.  If you want to enter a long detailed description click on the  button to open up a multi-line text box
  5. Total Amount Excluding VAT: Enter the amount from the supplier excluding VAT. The VAT box below will automatically calculate the VAT using the VAT rate in the VAT Rate field. You can select another VAT rate if appropriate and edit the VAT % if it is incorrect.
  6. Click this button  if it is easier to enter the amount including VAT. As above the VAT will be automatically calculated.
  7. Use these buttons  to increase/decrease the VAT if it differs to that on the invoice
  8. Nominal Account: This will be set to the default nominal ledger account for the supplier. You can however edit this if appropriate.
A supplier invoice will often have many lines on it. If all lines relate to products/services that would be posted to the same nominal account and have the same VAT rate it is easier to just add one line and enter the totals from the invoice.
  1. Charge: If you need to enter a charge from the invoice click this button to open the standard charges screen

Select the correct Charge, enter the Amount and make any adjustments to the VAT


Click this button to open the supplier notes screen

You can record a note about this invoice here and also see any previous notes recorded for the supplier
  1. Options: In the top left of the main screen is an Options button. Click this to do
    1. Add Line or use the Item button
    2. Add Charge or use the Charge button
    3. Edit Line or double click on a line
    4. Delete Line:
  1. Save the invoice: If you wish to Save and enter a new invoice click on the New button. Otherwise click on Close. Just as for Invoices For Purchase Orders if this invoice is from a supplier in the Buying Group you will be prompted as to whether it is to be transferred to the Buying Group.  Purchases - Invoices and Buying Groups 
  2. EiTrax: If you are integrated to the EiTrax system a barcode label will be printed to attach to the invoice so that it can be scanned and later displayed from within Agility.
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